2020.08.01 18:26 [2176783] issue 3P84H2bKkV6w69L2D6CjyZ5QcG3sUkPvung > SELF +200000000.000 Trus Energy coin spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "6CDQM8yaBe3eZKdygoVNoyqfB65XKbSfD1UYy6pAPif7", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1596295424797, "version": 2, "sender": "3P84H2bKkV6w69L2D6CjyZ5QcG3sUkPvung", "senderPublicKey": "HcH3HsxRLugppUus5eZfM6BsshbNaLS6MYatyjkShYtn", "proofs": [ "ZAZWJmcuMcqaUjQJPshiXJuDCL6zExW9ysVDQeexGYJSNBk66WxYXxPJa95xg9SdkWhU5CZGJ6e3xaUySoAjvBr" ], "assetId": "6CDQM8yaBe3eZKdygoVNoyqfB65XKbSfD1UYy6pAPif7", "name": "Trus Energy coin", "quantity": 200000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 3, "description": "Trus Energy Coin, is a project of experienced crypto traders, with a very large competitive crypto community, the number of active community members will be seen from the strong support of the coin. Trust coin will be used to source renewable energy products/services worldwide, our team of experts are currently in the field , creating awareness on the need a clean green world, through the use of Solar energy .\nTrus Energy energy coin (TEC) the future is here!\nWWW.KARLOTENERGY.COM", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2176783, "spentComplexity": 0 }

12.88 ms