tx · 5XzUs9RnmD2Kn1sPUgnbJdvuT7XxkZKQLUprpWJS3GC3

3P77aqyP9F9RLsf8EN5doBpr675yKvuRf2o:  +168000000.00000000 WePay
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.08.07 21:19 [1650692] issue 3P77aqyP9F9RLsf8EN5doBpr675yKvuRf2o > SELF +168000000.00000000 WePay spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "5XzUs9RnmD2Kn1sPUgnbJdvuT7XxkZKQLUprpWJS3GC3", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1565201994908, "version": 1, "sender": "3P77aqyP9F9RLsf8EN5doBpr675yKvuRf2o", "senderPublicKey": "FLJ4vYA8nDUKxyMvU5n4BKXYEdoocjyzd3QYPDPKSHvg", "proofs": [ "679ZbQNBfA9KZVdYgqba6bxbQBbtQm4ajfK2skPvkjQRae1Uo2KjD9ym3N47E2sve9XdpQok5uMeTDEPBt7AHzih" ], "signature": "679ZbQNBfA9KZVdYgqba6bxbQBbtQm4ajfK2skPvkjQRae1Uo2KjD9ym3N47E2sve9XdpQok5uMeTDEPBt7AHzih", "assetId": "5XzUs9RnmD2Kn1sPUgnbJdvuT7XxkZKQLUprpWJS3GC3", "name": "WePay", "quantity": 16800000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "WePay Token create by www.fairfinancialsystem.com for who want to start own Decentralized business to live in fair financial system. \n Maximum supply of WePay is 168,000,000Token\nI. Pay to investor in www.fairfinancialsystem.com 55% (92,400,000)\n- Paid for investor follow FFS Compensation Plan Example: You invest 1,000$ BTC then you will get 10$ WePay Token daily. You can Exchange WePay Token to BTC, USD, WAVES...In DEX. WePay Value by Supply < Demand\nII. Stake Holder 20% (33,600,000)\n- Only 3STAR position can become Stake Holder\nIII. Foundation 15% (25,200,000)\nIV. KYC Reward 10% (16,800,000)\n- For all investors whose complete KYC will get 5$ Of WePay. Example: Current price of WePay is 0.1$, after you completed KYC you will get 50WePay.\nNote…To Become a part of the new revolution, please register https://investor.fairfinancialsystem.com/#/auth/sign-up?ref=GB0000001", "height": 1650692, "spentComplexity": 0 }

39.00 ms