tx · 66X6Up8oQ5GsdXnfEFHY8ZUKu2WoAV8vVsvU25oNXVjT

3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R:  -0.01500000 Waves

2019.08.29 16:20 [1682546] data 3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R > SELF 0.00000000 Waves

3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R: datajson_7556ac87-2bd1-4249-8347-1255cebb7205: "{"name":"Light Seller of Assets","description":"Service for sell liquid waves assets in two clicks","logoUrl":"https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/cropped_e461fe20-c9bd-11e9-8f0d-49a3bcebdd0c.png","expireCrowd":"2019-09-28 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-08-28 00:00:00","targetWaves":650,"tags":["assets","waveskeeper"],"contents":{"problem":"When you are have many assets in your wallet you need a lot of time for find liquid pairs","xFactor":"Analogs does not exists yet. This service is absolutely safe because it use waves keeper.","solution":"Automatically analyze bids in pairs and calculate potential sum of deal","newFeaturesOrMvp":"1. Burn assets + batch\n2. Batch sell assets\n3. Other ideas","marketStrategy":"Increase customer loyalty","whySmartContracts":"Buy/sell and burn transactions","currentStage":"Demo already launched","impactOnCommunity":"Priority of adding new features at the request of supporters;  Free access to all premium features"},"socials":{"url_website":"","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/wh0is_j0hngalt/status/1164637670892625920"},"uid":"7556ac87-2bd1-4249-8347-1255cebb7205","expireVoting":"2019-08-29 09:07:00","expireWhale":"2019-10-03 00:00:00"}" -> "{"name":"Light Seller of Assets","description":"Service for sell liquid waves assets in two clicks","logoUrl":"https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/cropped_e461fe20-c9bd-11e9-8f0d-49a3bcebdd0c.png","expireCrowd":"2019-09-28 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-08-28 00:00:00","targetWaves":650,"tags":["assets","waveskeeper"],"contents":{"problem":"When you are have many assets in your wallet you need a lot of time for find liquid pairs","xFactor":"Analogs does not exists yet. This service is absolutely safe because it use waves keeper.","solution":"Automatically analyze bids in pairs and calculate potential sum of deal","newFeaturesOrMvp":"1. Burn assets + batch\n2. Batch sell assets\n3. Other ideas","marketStrategy":"Increase customer loyalty","whySmartContracts":"Buy/sell and burn transactions","currentStage":"Demo already launched","impactOnCommunity":"Priority of adding new features at the request of supporters;  Free access to all premium features"},"socials":{"url_website":"","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/wh0is_j0hngalt/status/1164637670892625920"},"uid":"7556ac87-2bd1-4249-8347-1255cebb7205","expireVoting":"2019-08-29 09:07:00","expireWhale":"2019-10-03 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-28 21:44:34"}"
3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R: datajson_001c0950-f55f-4580-a5d9-94aeaf3054ad: "{"name":"Lotto-hall","description":"Lottery with a verifiable result and a Waves blockchain signature","logoUrl":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1123813540186460161/0ZENRumC_400x400.png","expireCrowd":"2019-09-30 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-12-20","targetWaves":25000,"tags":["waveshome","lotto-hall","betstars"],"contents":{"problem":"Distrusting lottery results","solution":"Uses stands for a verifiable elliptic curve random oracle","xFactor":"Transparency and the impossibility of fraud","whySmartContracts":"Payments in crypto. All operations automatized and veriafable","newFeaturesOrMvp":"There is currently a working version. It is planned to connect the waves keeper, more complete decentralization due to the transfer in the raid and smart, api of the oracle to connect external projects...","marketStrategy":"Announcements at telegram chats, forums, sites","impactOnCommunity":"More trust in games. Application of crypto assets.","currentStage":"Working centralized prototype"},"socials":{"url_website":"https://waveshome.club/lotto-hall/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/Betstars4"},"uid":"001c0950-f55f-4580-a5d9-94aeaf3054ad","expireVoting":"2019-08-15 08:01:01","expireWhale":"2019-10-05 00:00:00"}" -> "{"name":"Lotto-hall","description":"Lottery with a verifiable result and a Waves blockchain signature","logoUrl":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1123813540186460161/0ZENRumC_400x400.png","expireCrowd":"2019-09-30 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-12-20","targetWaves":25000,"tags":["waveshome","lotto-hall","betstars"],"contents":{"problem":"Distrusting lottery results","solution":"Uses stands for a verifiable elliptic curve random oracle","xFactor":"Transparency and the impossibility of fraud","whySmartContracts":"Payments in crypto. All operations automatized and veriafable","newFeaturesOrMvp":"There is currently a working version. It is planned to connect the waves keeper, more complete decentralization due to the transfer in the raid and smart, api of the oracle to connect external projects...","marketStrategy":"Announcements at telegram chats, forums, sites","impactOnCommunity":"More trust in games. Application of crypto assets.","currentStage":"Working centralized prototype"},"socials":{"url_website":"https://waveshome.club/lotto-hall/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/Betstars4"},"uid":"001c0950-f55f-4580-a5d9-94aeaf3054ad","expireVoting":"2019-08-15 08:01:01","expireWhale":"2019-10-05 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-15 8:45:08"}"
3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R: datajson_e0c3643a-baa1-4b89-bf08-921caeb6d6ff: "{"name":"[demo] Kolin Platform","description":"Kolin platform will become an agent of change by creating the first decentralized network for translation and international collaboration","logoUrl":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1138015031793258496/aU5U8n6W_400x400.png","expireCrowd":"2019-08-30 00:00:00","demoDay":"2020-01-01","targetWaves":1000,"tags":["decentralised","boderless","translation","freelancer"],"contents":{"problem":"Translation is a US$46 billion industry that is currently limited by a lack of man power and difficulty in international collaboration. Current, freelancer platforms charge up to a 20% just in transaction fees which increases the cost and barriers for fair market competition.","solution":"Kolin will generate the first decentralised centre for translation and international collaboration. Taking out the need for a third party controling the transaction process and giving access to any person/enterprise willing to participate in the use, control and development of the platform","xFactor":"Entering in a US$46 billion industry with a solution for an international issue is one of the best examples for explaining to the masses how Blockchain technology and Waves can be used to eliminate the need for a middlemen. Furthermore, the generation of a totally decentralised platform totally governed by the community can transform Kolin in a flagship and example for other Waves platform projects.","whySmartContracts":"Kolin's MVP counts with a works posted tableboard (by clients) where any freelancer/ enterprise can accept a translation job using an stardadised per word price. Thereafter, an Escrow contract is signed and a document to be translated transfered to the translator. Before final reception a certified moderator (enterprise) will check and approve the translation before being sent back to the user, point with the escrow is finished and payment released.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"An increase on work options for low income countries due to the only need for brain power (knowledge in languaje and technology), will allow to decrease poverty worldwide and increase the hunger for education. International interaction will be enforced within the platform by fomenting the hiring of native speakers worldwide using a borderless system.","marketStrategy":"Enterprises and freelancer will be invited to use the platform with no cost for them, increasing their access to a new niche in translation.","impactOnCommunity":"Users will pay just an standardised market price, together with a minimum transaction fee. The platform will not charge for its usage as its being developed as a non for profit project.","currentStage":"The generation of a low cost service together with the integration of borderless and censorship resistant features into the translation process will allow anyone willing to work"},"socials":{"url_website":"google.com","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/@subclay"},"uid":"e0c3643a-baa1-4b89-bf08-921caeb6d6ff","expireVoting":"2019-08-02 19:01:12","expireWhale":"2019-09-04 00:00:00"}" -> "{"name":"[demo] Kolin Platform","description":"Kolin platform will become an agent of change by creating the first decentralized network for translation and international collaboration","logoUrl":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1138015031793258496/aU5U8n6W_400x400.png","expireCrowd":"2019-08-30 00:00:00","demoDay":"2020-01-01","targetWaves":1000,"tags":["decentralised","boderless","translation","freelancer"],"contents":{"problem":"Translation is a US$46 billion industry that is currently limited by a lack of man power and difficulty in international collaboration. Current, freelancer platforms charge up to a 20% just in transaction fees which increases the cost and barriers for fair market competition.","solution":"Kolin will generate the first decentralised centre for translation and international collaboration. Taking out the need for a third party controling the transaction process and giving access to any person/enterprise willing to participate in the use, control and development of the platform","xFactor":"Entering in a US$46 billion industry with a solution for an international issue is one of the best examples for explaining to the masses how Blockchain technology and Waves can be used to eliminate the need for a middlemen. Furthermore, the generation of a totally decentralised platform totally governed by the community can transform Kolin in a flagship and example for other Waves platform projects.","whySmartContracts":"Kolin's MVP counts with a works posted tableboard (by clients) where any freelancer/ enterprise can accept a translation job using an stardadised per word price. Thereafter, an Escrow contract is signed and a document to be translated transfered to the translator. Before final reception a certified moderator (enterprise) will check and approve the translation before being sent back to the user, point with the escrow is finished and payment released.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"An increase on work options for low income countries due to the only need for brain power (knowledge in languaje and technology), will allow to decrease poverty worldwide and increase the hunger for education. International interaction will be enforced within the platform by fomenting the hiring of native speakers worldwide using a borderless system.","marketStrategy":"Enterprises and freelancer will be invited to use the platform with no cost for them, increasing their access to a new niche in translation.","impactOnCommunity":"Users will pay just an standardised market price, together with a minimum transaction fee. The platform will not charge for its usage as its being developed as a non for profit project.","currentStage":"The generation of a low cost service together with the integration of borderless and censorship resistant features into the translation process will allow anyone willing to work"},"socials":{"url_website":"google.com","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/@subclay"},"uid":"e0c3643a-baa1-4b89-bf08-921caeb6d6ff","expireVoting":"2019-08-02 19:01:12","expireWhale":"2019-09-04 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-02 19:08:08"}"
3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R: datajson_4283738b-e092-4dff-a639-871c4b2c3b25: "{"name":"RELAY","description":"\nSingle Platform hosting 3 different tools. Supply Chain Management/Logistics, Direct-To-Consumer 3D printing, and Encrypted messaging and file transfer.","logoUrl":"https://advancedtds.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/newblu-wht.png","expireCrowd":"2019-09-30 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31","targetWaves":5000,"tags":["#supplychain","#blockchain","#manufacturing","#3Dprinting","#logistics"],"contents":{"problem":"Supply Chain management is all over the place. Information can be clunky and falsified. 3D Printing technology is not easily accessible to the general consumer. Sensitive documents and files need a secure network to be sent across. ","solution":"RELAY is the solution. Easy to use, highly intuitive application that features tools to accomplish all of this. So effective that it can be used at consumer, commercial, or industrial levels.","xFactor":"All in One app with each tool that complements each other. 3D printing is an existing technology that is still fighting to break into the consumer market. By putting these tools in the consumer's hands, mainstream adoption can easily take place.","whySmartContracts":"Immutability, Security, and Transparency. These are a few of the main reasons to utilize blockchain in this project. All 3 use-cases rely heavily on these characteristics.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"1) Direct-To-Consumer Application\n2) Real time Supply Chain Management\n3) End-to-End Encrypted messaging & File Transfer","marketStrategy":"Market 3D & Encrypted messaging tools to the general consumers. Supply chain will need real application at an industrial level. Through engineering forums and professional contacts, I will demonstrate all the features to manufacturers.","impactOnCommunity":"Blockchain may have a serious impact on the efficiency and connectivity of the modern manufacturing industry.","currentStage":"\n1-  Product Concept and market analysis - DONE\n2- Design & User interface - In progress\n3- Backend code and working application - Needs started\n4 - Marketing Material and Campaign - In Progress"},"socials":{"url_website":" https://advancedtds.com/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/AdvancedTDS"},"uid":"4283738b-e092-4dff-a639-871c4b2c3b25","expireVoting":"2019-08-07 03:16:59","expireWhale":"2019-10-05 00:00:00"}" -> "{"name":"RELAY","description":"\nSingle Platform hosting 3 different tools. Supply Chain Management/Logistics, Direct-To-Consumer 3D printing, and Encrypted messaging and file transfer.","logoUrl":"https://advancedtds.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/newblu-wht.png","expireCrowd":"2019-09-30 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31","targetWaves":5000,"tags":["#supplychain","#blockchain","#manufacturing","#3Dprinting","#logistics"],"contents":{"problem":"Supply Chain management is all over the place. Information can be clunky and falsified. 3D Printing technology is not easily accessible to the general consumer. Sensitive documents and files need a secure network to be sent across. ","solution":"RELAY is the solution. Easy to use, highly intuitive application that features tools to accomplish all of this. So effective that it can be used at consumer, commercial, or industrial levels.","xFactor":"All in One app with each tool that complements each other. 3D printing is an existing technology that is still fighting to break into the consumer market. By putting these tools in the consumer's hands, mainstream adoption can easily take place.","whySmartContracts":"Immutability, Security, and Transparency. These are a few of the main reasons to utilize blockchain in this project. All 3 use-cases rely heavily on these characteristics.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"1) Direct-To-Consumer Application\n2) Real time Supply Chain Management\n3) End-to-End Encrypted messaging & File Transfer","marketStrategy":"Market 3D & Encrypted messaging tools to the general consumers. Supply chain will need real application at an industrial level. Through engineering forums and professional contacts, I will demonstrate all the features to manufacturers.","impactOnCommunity":"Blockchain may have a serious impact on the efficiency and connectivity of the modern manufacturing industry.","currentStage":"\n1-  Product Concept and market analysis - DONE\n2- Design & User interface - In progress\n3- Backend code and working application - Needs started\n4 - Marketing Material and Campaign - In Progress"},"socials":{"url_website":" https://advancedtds.com/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/AdvancedTDS"},"uid":"4283738b-e092-4dff-a639-871c4b2c3b25","expireVoting":"2019-08-07 03:16:59","expireWhale":"2019-10-05 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-07 04:14:18"}"
3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R: datajson_affe1efc-da2e-4734-9899-878b28be4d60: "{"name":"RiskRide","description":"A distributed risk management tool that allows to gather a realistic perspective of projects, efforts, ...","logoUrl":"https://www.wavesbi.com/favicon.ico","expireCrowd":"2019-09-16 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31","targetWaves":7000,"tags":["Ride4dApps","Smart Contract","dApp","risk management"],"contents":{"problem":"Risk Management is one of the main tasks during project management or the controlling of other efforts. The main problem here is to get a realistic perspective of the current status.","solution":"The proposed solution will allow to gather the perspectives of different stakeholders and accumulate those different perspectives on current risks into a realistic analysis about the risks in order to identify the most important risks to work with.","xFactor":"The nice part about this solution is the distribution process around risk management. Together with blockchain technology and Smart Contracts, the solution allows to store the corresponding data in way it could not be altered.","whySmartContracts":"Here, i do see two major reasons: on the one hand DLT allows to store the corresponding data of the business process in a way it could not be altered afterwards. Additionally, the infrastructure becomes very easy and a web based dApp allows to easily participate in the process.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"The dApp will be implemented completely and deployed to the Waves Platform. This includes development of a Smart Contract that is deployed for every new management project that will be created on the platform. The platform itself will be implemented as a responsive dApp (including Waves Keeper), meaning it could be used either from a usual browser, but also time and space independent from mobiles (as soon as Mobile Waves Keeper is available). It will be a complete solution, directly usable.","marketStrategy":"Basic marketing will be done via Twitter, Medium, Facebook and other social media channels. The dApp could be listed on dApp markets in order to be easily reachable. This process is also interesting for Waves new business strategy.","impactOnCommunity":"Each community member can use the dApp for his / her own projects and efforts in order to achieve better results. Furthermore, usage of the dApp will automatically create more transactions on the network.","currentStage":"A rough prototype of the dApp exists"},"socials":{"url_website":"https://www.wavesbi.com/RiskRide_pres_20190824.pdf","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/jansen_marc"},"uid":"affe1efc-da2e-4734-9899-878b28be4d60","expireVoting":"2019-08-26 11:04:15","expireWhale":"2019-09-21 00:00:00"}" -> "{"name":"RiskRide","description":"A distributed risk management tool that allows to gather a realistic perspective of projects, efforts, ...","logoUrl":"https://www.wavesbi.com/favicon.ico","expireCrowd":"2019-09-16 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31","targetWaves":7000,"tags":["Ride4dApps","Smart Contract","dApp","risk management"],"contents":{"problem":"Risk Management is one of the main tasks during project management or the controlling of other efforts. The main problem here is to get a realistic perspective of the current status.","solution":"The proposed solution will allow to gather the perspectives of different stakeholders and accumulate those different perspectives on current risks into a realistic analysis about the risks in order to identify the most important risks to work with.","xFactor":"The nice part about this solution is the distribution process around risk management. Together with blockchain technology and Smart Contracts, the solution allows to store the corresponding data in way it could not be altered.","whySmartContracts":"Here, i do see two major reasons: on the one hand DLT allows to store the corresponding data of the business process in a way it could not be altered afterwards. Additionally, the infrastructure becomes very easy and a web based dApp allows to easily participate in the process.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"The dApp will be implemented completely and deployed to the Waves Platform. This includes development of a Smart Contract that is deployed for every new management project that will be created on the platform. The platform itself will be implemented as a responsive dApp (including Waves Keeper), meaning it could be used either from a usual browser, but also time and space independent from mobiles (as soon as Mobile Waves Keeper is available). It will be a complete solution, directly usable.","marketStrategy":"Basic marketing will be done via Twitter, Medium, Facebook and other social media channels. The dApp could be listed on dApp markets in order to be easily reachable. This process is also interesting for Waves new business strategy.","impactOnCommunity":"Each community member can use the dApp for his / her own projects and efforts in order to achieve better results. Furthermore, usage of the dApp will automatically create more transactions on the network.","currentStage":"A rough prototype of the dApp exists"},"socials":{"url_website":"https://www.wavesbi.com/RiskRide_pres_20190824.pdf","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/jansen_marc"},"uid":"affe1efc-da2e-4734-9899-878b28be4d60","expireVoting":"2019-08-26 11:04:15","expireWhale":"2019-09-21 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-15 18:39:47"}"

{ "type": 12, "id": "66X6Up8oQ5GsdXnfEFHY8ZUKu2WoAV8vVsvU25oNXVjT", "fee": 1500000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1567084871224, "version": 1, "sender": "3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R", "senderPublicKey": "5z78SSRPPLJL5MpFZP2XbtEuKCHks3xT7XL1arHx12WU", "proofs": [ "5nqJbVYExgXcULpSdFyoQPjE93qhfs5R2JvWpvY7eQfuNnd586SvNXpzYfrFqBnoGH2GJmbpVMoTmmmZUZDfKkWw" ], "data": [ { "key": "datajson_affe1efc-da2e-4734-9899-878b28be4d60", "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"RiskRide","description":"A distributed risk management tool that allows to gather a realistic perspective of projects, efforts, ...","logoUrl":"https://www.wavesbi.com/favicon.ico","expireCrowd":"2019-09-16 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31","targetWaves":7000,"tags":["Ride4dApps","Smart Contract","dApp","risk management"],"contents":{"problem":"Risk Management is one of the main tasks during project management or the controlling of other efforts. The main problem here is to get a realistic perspective of the current status.","solution":"The proposed solution will allow to gather the perspectives of different stakeholders and accumulate those different perspectives on current risks into a realistic analysis about the risks in order to identify the most important risks to work with.","xFactor":"The nice part about this solution is the distribution process around risk management. Together with blockchain technology and Smart Contracts, the solution allows to store the corresponding data in way it could not be altered.","whySmartContracts":"Here, i do see two major reasons: on the one hand DLT allows to store the corresponding data of the business process in a way it could not be altered afterwards. Additionally, the infrastructure becomes very easy and a web based dApp allows to easily participate in the process.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"The dApp will be implemented completely and deployed to the Waves Platform. This includes development of a Smart Contract that is deployed for every new management project that will be created on the platform. The platform itself will be implemented as a responsive dApp (including Waves Keeper), meaning it could be used either from a usual browser, but also time and space independent from mobiles (as soon as Mobile Waves Keeper is available). It will be a complete solution, directly usable.","marketStrategy":"Basic marketing will be done via Twitter, Medium, Facebook and other social media channels. The dApp could be listed on dApp markets in order to be easily reachable. This process is also interesting for Waves new business strategy.","impactOnCommunity":"Each community member can use the dApp for his / her own projects and efforts in order to achieve better results. Furthermore, usage of the dApp will automatically create more transactions on the network.","currentStage":"A rough prototype of the dApp exists"},"socials":{"url_website":"https://www.wavesbi.com/RiskRide_pres_20190824.pdf","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/jansen_marc"},"uid":"affe1efc-da2e-4734-9899-878b28be4d60","expireVoting":"2019-08-26 11:04:15","expireWhale":"2019-09-21 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-15 18:39:47"}" }, { "key": "datajson_4283738b-e092-4dff-a639-871c4b2c3b25", "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"RELAY","description":"\\nSingle Platform hosting 3 different tools. Supply Chain Management/Logistics, Direct-To-Consumer 3D printing, and Encrypted messaging and file transfer.","logoUrl":"https://advancedtds.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/newblu-wht.png","expireCrowd":"2019-09-30 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31","targetWaves":5000,"tags":["#supplychain","#blockchain","#manufacturing","#3Dprinting","#logistics"],"contents":{"problem":"Supply Chain management is all over the place. Information can be clunky and falsified. 3D Printing technology is not easily accessible to the general consumer. Sensitive documents and files need a secure network to be sent across. ","solution":"RELAY is the solution. Easy to use, highly intuitive application that features tools to accomplish all of this. So effective that it can be used at consumer, commercial, or industrial levels.","xFactor":"All in One app with each tool that complements each other. 3D printing is an existing technology that is still fighting to break into the consumer market. By putting these tools in the consumer's hands, mainstream adoption can easily take place.","whySmartContracts":"Immutability, Security, and Transparency. These are a few of the main reasons to utilize blockchain in this project. All 3 use-cases rely heavily on these characteristics.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"1) Direct-To-Consumer Application\\n2) Real time Supply Chain Management\\n3) End-to-End Encrypted messaging & File Transfer","marketStrategy":"Market 3D & Encrypted messaging tools to the general consumers. Supply chain will need real application at an industrial level. Through engineering forums and professional contacts, I will demonstrate all the features to manufacturers.","impactOnCommunity":"Blockchain may have a serious impact on the efficiency and connectivity of the modern manufacturing industry.","currentStage":"\\n1- Product Concept and market analysis - DONE\\n2- Design & User interface - In progress\\n3- Backend code and working application - Needs started\\n4 - Marketing Material and Campaign - In Progress"},"socials":{"url_website":" https://advancedtds.com/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/AdvancedTDS"},"uid":"4283738b-e092-4dff-a639-871c4b2c3b25","expireVoting":"2019-08-07 03:16:59","expireWhale":"2019-10-05 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-07 04:14:18"}" }, { "key": "datajson_e0c3643a-baa1-4b89-bf08-921caeb6d6ff", "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"[demo] Kolin Platform","description":"Kolin platform will become an agent of change by creating the first decentralized network for translation and international collaboration","logoUrl":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1138015031793258496/aU5U8n6W_400x400.png","expireCrowd":"2019-08-30 00:00:00","demoDay":"2020-01-01","targetWaves":1000,"tags":["decentralised","boderless","translation","freelancer"],"contents":{"problem":"Translation is a US$46 billion industry that is currently limited by a lack of man power and difficulty in international collaboration. Current, freelancer platforms charge up to a 20% just in transaction fees which increases the cost and barriers for fair market competition.","solution":"Kolin will generate the first decentralised centre for translation and international collaboration. Taking out the need for a third party controling the transaction process and giving access to any person/enterprise willing to participate in the use, control and development of the platform","xFactor":"Entering in a US$46 billion industry with a solution for an international issue is one of the best examples for explaining to the masses how Blockchain technology and Waves can be used to eliminate the need for a middlemen. Furthermore, the generation of a totally decentralised platform totally governed by the community can transform Kolin in a flagship and example for other Waves platform projects.","whySmartContracts":"Kolin's MVP counts with a works posted tableboard (by clients) where any freelancer/ enterprise can accept a translation job using an stardadised per word price. Thereafter, an Escrow contract is signed and a document to be translated transfered to the translator. Before final reception a certified moderator (enterprise) will check and approve the translation before being sent back to the user, point with the escrow is finished and payment released.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"An increase on work options for low income countries due to the only need for brain power (knowledge in languaje and technology), will allow to decrease poverty worldwide and increase the hunger for education. International interaction will be enforced within the platform by fomenting the hiring of native speakers worldwide using a borderless system.","marketStrategy":"Enterprises and freelancer will be invited to use the platform with no cost for them, increasing their access to a new niche in translation.","impactOnCommunity":"Users will pay just an standardised market price, together with a minimum transaction fee. The platform will not charge for its usage as its being developed as a non for profit project.","currentStage":"The generation of a low cost service together with the integration of borderless and censorship resistant features into the translation process will allow anyone willing to work"},"socials":{"url_website":"google.com","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/@subclay"},"uid":"e0c3643a-baa1-4b89-bf08-921caeb6d6ff","expireVoting":"2019-08-02 19:01:12","expireWhale":"2019-09-04 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-02 19:08:08"}" }, { "key": "datajson_001c0950-f55f-4580-a5d9-94aeaf3054ad", "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"Lotto-hall","description":"Lottery with a verifiable result and a Waves blockchain signature","logoUrl":"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1123813540186460161/0ZENRumC_400x400.png","expireCrowd":"2019-09-30 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-12-20","targetWaves":25000,"tags":["waveshome","lotto-hall","betstars"],"contents":{"problem":"Distrusting lottery results","solution":"Uses stands for a verifiable elliptic curve random oracle","xFactor":"Transparency and the impossibility of fraud","whySmartContracts":"Payments in crypto. All operations automatized and veriafable","newFeaturesOrMvp":"There is currently a working version. It is planned to connect the waves keeper, more complete decentralization due to the transfer in the raid and smart, api of the oracle to connect external projects...","marketStrategy":"Announcements at telegram chats, forums, sites","impactOnCommunity":"More trust in games. Application of crypto assets.","currentStage":"Working centralized prototype"},"socials":{"url_website":"https://waveshome.club/lotto-hall/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/Betstars4"},"uid":"001c0950-f55f-4580-a5d9-94aeaf3054ad","expireVoting":"2019-08-15 08:01:01","expireWhale":"2019-10-05 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-15 8:45:08"}" }, { "key": "datajson_7556ac87-2bd1-4249-8347-1255cebb7205", "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"Light Seller of Assets","description":"Service for sell liquid waves assets in two clicks","logoUrl":"https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/cropped_e461fe20-c9bd-11e9-8f0d-49a3bcebdd0c.png","expireCrowd":"2019-09-28 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-08-28 00:00:00","targetWaves":650,"tags":["assets","waveskeeper"],"contents":{"problem":"When you are have many assets in your wallet you need a lot of time for find liquid pairs","xFactor":"Analogs does not exists yet. This service is absolutely safe because it use waves keeper.","solution":"Automatically analyze bids in pairs and calculate potential sum of deal","newFeaturesOrMvp":"1. Burn assets + batch\\n2. Batch sell assets\\n3. Other ideas","marketStrategy":"Increase customer loyalty","whySmartContracts":"Buy/sell and burn transactions","currentStage":"Demo already launched","impactOnCommunity":"Priority of adding new features at the request of supporters; Free access to all premium features"},"socials":{"url_website":"","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/wh0is_j0hngalt/status/1164637670892625920"},"uid":"7556ac87-2bd1-4249-8347-1255cebb7205","expireVoting":"2019-08-29 09:07:00","expireWhale":"2019-10-03 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-28 21:44:34"}" } ], "height": 1682546, "spentComplexity": 0 }

41.56 ms