tx · HttfF9QsyrExjYPh1DL5Kx842Ljsea282tmkBQ22WC9B

3PCxmrQF6jKc8m1qjxjmTSpBUN5km1pJjJL:  +4100000000.00 TrueUSDT
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.09.11 14:06 [1701465] issue 3PCxmrQF6jKc8m1qjxjmTSpBUN5km1pJjJL > SELF +4100000000.00 TrueUSDT spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "HttfF9QsyrExjYPh1DL5Kx842Ljsea282tmkBQ22WC9B", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1568199954805, "version": 2, "sender": "3PCxmrQF6jKc8m1qjxjmTSpBUN5km1pJjJL", "senderPublicKey": "FZupF8Y5y9GeSWJBwYqLZnfwQb2o9Wqy1eiFwb8Htzvc", "proofs": [ "3PtrM4iedXrR49fvpsvVMapCSgPukidKpwQwuchXDHqrLE1rzjTcmQh8Z8Ub488B68CLEogM5D7brPf6FKh3rbii" ], "assetId": "HttfF9QsyrExjYPh1DL5Kx842Ljsea282tmkBQ22WC9B", "name": "TrueUSDT", "quantity": 410000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 2, "description": "Tether is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency whose cryptocoins in circulation are backed by an equivalent amount of traditional fiat currencies, like the dollar, the euro or the Japanese yen, which are held in a designated bank account. Tether tokens, the native tokens of the Tether network, trade under the USDT symbol.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1701465, "spentComplexity": 0 }

73.39 ms