tx · 41myhzE6Njm6LkRYRW16zFVpBQ1saSS42zLqWDGGc3H1

3PBJQjf89Rjq71oh7zPoZdVZ6G1hHzAUha4:  -0.50500000 Waves
3PD9D57PG5NPsu4TR8Z8Ty9oUG4qWzCnc8a:  +0.50000000 Waves

2019.09.12 15:12 [1702990] invoke 3PBJQjf89Rjq71oh7zPoZdVZ6G1hHzAUha4 > 3PD9D57PG5NPsu4TR8Z8Ty9oUG4qWzCnc8a updateDescription() 0.50000000 Waves

3PD9D57PG5NPsu4TR8Z8Ty9oUG4qWzCnc8a: issuerDescription_<96sfrsAHigH5gctkrPzkRBB7nBRmKM4Yq6WBPLHDM8m6>: "A CopyrightID serves as a uniform identification of copyright within the CopyrightChains ecosystem. For backward compatibility and metadata retrieval from the back catalogues in certain industries such as music, it contains a reference to international reference standards (such as ISWC and ISRC in music).
A CopyrightShare is a tradable financial asset representing the share in the ownership of a copyright owner on copyrighted content.
CopyrightCoins are the vehicle for the payment of royalties to owners of CopyrightShares. 
CopyrightID is proof that a legal entity (person or company) have registered an intangible asset (creating a uniquely identifiable reference) representing copyright or intellectual property right. CopyrightShares are non-fungible assets of that CopyrightID and CopyrightCoins are fungible assets that represent dividend in the form of royalties that a CopyrightShare produces.

{ "type": 16, "id": "41myhzE6Njm6LkRYRW16zFVpBQ1saSS42zLqWDGGc3H1", "fee": 500000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1568290271362, "version": 1, "sender": "3PBJQjf89Rjq71oh7zPoZdVZ6G1hHzAUha4", "senderPublicKey": "52j54fdfwtvvV59EcKiqgxQd16FGRuYbvWrtH39EQsFY", "proofs": [ "5to1ECWRMzfVBFNnwRhoTSUxvKLmSt9SfN51V7kpJtnby5hSmrBW2atsCcZpSF5DNLmbJVD6aT2dyrSNb8XSSbD9" ], "dApp": "3PD9D57PG5NPsu4TR8Z8Ty9oUG4qWzCnc8a", "payment": [ { "amount": 50000000, "assetId": null } ], "call": { "function": "updateDescription", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "96sfrsAHigH5gctkrPzkRBB7nBRmKM4Yq6WBPLHDM8m6" }, { "type": "string", "value": "A CopyrightID serves as a uniform identification of copyright within the CopyrightChains ecosystem. For backward compatibility and metadata retrieval from the back catalogues in certain industries such as music, it contains a reference to international reference standards (such as ISWC and ISRC in music).\nCopyrightShares\nA CopyrightShare is a tradable financial asset representing the share in the ownership of a copyright owner on copyrighted content.\nCopyrightCoins\nCopyrightCoins are the vehicle for the payment of royalties to owners of CopyrightShares. \nCopyrightID is proof that a legal entity (person or company) have registered an intangible asset (creating a uniquely identifiable reference) representing copyright or intellectual property right. CopyrightShares are non-fungible assets of that CopyrightID and CopyrightCoins are fungible assets that represent dividend in the form of royalties that a CopyrightShare produces.\n" } ] }, "height": 1702990, "spentComplexity": 235, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "issuerDescription_<96sfrsAHigH5gctkrPzkRBB7nBRmKM4Yq6WBPLHDM8m6>", "type": "string", "value": "A CopyrightID serves as a uniform identification of copyright within the CopyrightChains ecosystem. For backward compatibility and metadata retrieval from the back catalogues in certain industries such as music, it contains a reference to international reference standards (such as ISWC and ISRC in music).\nCopyrightShares\nA CopyrightShare is a tradable financial asset representing the share in the ownership of a copyright owner on copyrighted content.\nCopyrightCoins\nCopyrightCoins are the vehicle for the payment of royalties to owners of CopyrightShares. \nCopyrightID is proof that a legal entity (person or company) have registered an intangible asset (creating a uniquely identifiable reference) representing copyright or intellectual property right. CopyrightShares are non-fungible assets of that CopyrightID and CopyrightCoins are fungible assets that represent dividend in the form of royalties that a CopyrightShare produces.\n" } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

54.70 ms