3PDRbS4qsmfbm1kypbSzuhRxF3kJJ13PAKv:  +400000.00000000 MGIV
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.10.21 13:40 [1759935] issue 3PDRbS4qsmfbm1kypbSzuhRxF3kJJ13PAKv > SELF +400000.00000000 MGIV

{ "type": 3, "id": "5U5FJu5r3xbRE1KWBYQiVtX1EYPBHXXVHxKGygQSFtDL", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1571654423209, "version": 2, "sender": "3PDRbS4qsmfbm1kypbSzuhRxF3kJJ13PAKv", "senderPublicKey": "6GFR77bc8WkFmxajrW5hp7jE84J5jDhtGSLjKRyEDwhM", "proofs": [ "3GziyyRwE2Ty5H95kUwxxDaRTgm2yyLVWdUHgFW37YKpuDwH2CS3ZWXuhuvh2t8BXMd6YEmU85Djk2XX8jGDVcPV" ], "assetId": "5U5FJu5r3xbRE1KWBYQiVtX1EYPBHXXVHxKGygQSFtDL", "name": "MGIV", "quantity": 40000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "MGIV stands for Mushroom Growth Investment Vehicle 160,000 will be sold to raise capital for growing and selling mushroom to restaurants and farmers markets, 160,000 out of 400,000 will be sold representing 40% share of the total profit after expense of materials, any tokens bought back reduces the share in dividends for profit. \ndividends will be paid out twice a year only when turning a significant profit and return and when operations are running smooth and consistent. with a two year grace period starting from the day of creation on 21/10/2019.\nreturns depend on how quickly capital is raise and when material is acquired and how quickly contacts are acquired for selling mushrooms after growth. any questions you can e-mail at [email protected] we do not open any e-mails with attachments, a website with further information will be set up in the future and social media accounts.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1759935, "spentComplexity": 0 }

35.71 ms