tx · 68t8vEicApgu5Y3a3ypAyDyNVFUnLPiS5Hk7WiPdMKUv

3P94AEK4ufke1cZuxGtHy5ieehjmdWfcY1T:  +8000000000.0 ECHAIN
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.11.17 23:39 [1799885] issue 3P94AEK4ufke1cZuxGtHy5ieehjmdWfcY1T > SELF +8000000000.0 ECHAIN

{ "type": 3, "id": "68t8vEicApgu5Y3a3ypAyDyNVFUnLPiS5Hk7WiPdMKUv", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1574023193960, "version": 2, "sender": "3P94AEK4ufke1cZuxGtHy5ieehjmdWfcY1T", "senderPublicKey": "CoNrB6pXVcsEmWxALnGjzyYjVbZivWPnH9ZrbDKbnzxt", "proofs": [ "4zaXQaVJrmLrtmxTRkG55oLxgeDxoLnABJciFKrQAx9MKjcTGPMTytn7YKJFMSK3nZhuYHFyoYcGuDjw6j5GmGW3" ], "assetId": "68t8vEicApgu5Y3a3ypAyDyNVFUnLPiS5Hk7WiPdMKUv", "name": "ECHAIN", "quantity": 80000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 1, "description": "As the team of Educational Network, we introduce the first product of our network, ECHAIN. With ECHAIN, we aim to improve educational payment systems. The usage of our token will be diversified in the future. We will be creating a blockchain environment in educational system and students, teachers and authorities will be using the token as a payment system. The initial supply of the token is and the allocation of the token will be announced later.\nThe upcoiming news will be publishing.\n\nThe Educational Network Team.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1799885, "spentComplexity": 0 }

21.05 ms