tx · 9QQJcChFzWozpuYjWY18tXu9YJjnQGEz8Tk8YmyN7tnw

3P85kD1GFoDEnnM9sAjovMgTgpmgaa5hwgX:  +100000.00000000 LAT_Token
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.12.12 21:52 [1836339] issue 3P85kD1GFoDEnnM9sAjovMgTgpmgaa5hwgX > SELF +100000.00000000 LAT_Token

{ "type": 3, "id": "9QQJcChFzWozpuYjWY18tXu9YJjnQGEz8Tk8YmyN7tnw", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1576176666361, "version": 2, "sender": "3P85kD1GFoDEnnM9sAjovMgTgpmgaa5hwgX", "senderPublicKey": "6u2W6pShKarKEc5Cs3Z48HnbViHRjiagij1bfdWKvhhu", "proofs": [ "3Tph8kctQyC1FrmXXyFWcmbCD3FK5v1UQLpTW7FtgGpLTRZBJYS13pxnCUDx3vr1YEHXrkc6Ts2Ni1nx68ssx6cf" ], "assetId": "9QQJcChFzWozpuYjWY18tXu9YJjnQGEz8Tk8YmyN7tnw", "name": "LAT_Token", "quantity": 10000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "LeasingAndTrading(LAT)\n\nCharacteristics\n SmartAsset with fixed price for 25 days.\n It has a RESERVE FUND that gives REAL VALUE to the token.\n Designed for continuous LEASING and quick TRADING benefits. \n Its price is updated every 25 days and will depend on the benefits accumulated through TRADING and LEASING.\n \nDuring the sale of the 100 000 LAT:\n 50% of the WAVES collected will be used for TRADING.\n The remaining 50% will be placed in LEASING and will give REAL VALUE to the token (RESERVE FUND).\n\nWhen benefits are obtained: \n 30% of the profits made through TRADING will be used to repurchase the token at market price.\n 60% is used to increase the value of the token, this increases its price. \n 10% are the profits of the house.\n \n 100% of the profits obtained through LEASING will be used to increase the value of the token, this increases its price.\n\n \nYou can see CurrentPrice here: \nTELEGRAM -> https://t.me/LeasingAndTrading", "script": "base64:AwQAAAAFcHJpY2UAAAAAAACYloAEAAAAByRtYXRjaDAFAAAAAnR4AwkAAAEAAAACBQAAAAckbWF0Y2gwAgAAABNFeGNoYW5nZVRyYW5zYWN0aW9uBAAAAAFlBQAAAAckbWF0Y2gwBAAAAARwYWlyCAgFAAAAAWUAAAAIYnV5T3JkZXIAAAAJYXNzZXRQYWlyBAAAAA50cmFkZWRGb3JXYXZlcwMJAQAAAAEhAAAAAQkBAAAACWlzRGVmaW5lZAAAAAEIBQAAAARwYWlyAAAAC2Ftb3VudEFzc2V0BgkBAAAAASEAAAABCQEAAAAJaXNEZWZpbmVkAAAAAQgFAAAABHBhaXIAAAAKcHJpY2VBc3NldAMFAAAADnRyYWRlZEZvcldhdmVzCQAAAAAAAAIIBQAAAAFlAAAABXByaWNlBQAAAAVwcmljZQcGyAckaw==", "chainId": 87, "height": 1836339, "spentComplexity": 0 }

28.78 ms