3P57w9tH4Po6E2zL5L4oUEu8HjAPacSMU9h:  +1 AGP1-148
———————————————————————————————————:  -0.00500000 Waves

2022.09.02 22:15 [3277416] transfer 3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2 > 3P57w9tH4Po6E2zL5L4oUEu8HjAPacSMU9h IssueNFTSeries() 1 AGP1-148
2022.09.02 22:15 [3277416] issue 3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2 > SELF IssueNFTSeries() 1 AGP1-148
2022.09.02 22:15 [3277416] invoke 3P57w9tH4Po6E2zL5L4oUEu8HjAPacSMU9h > 3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2 IssueNFTSeries()

3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2: SeriesCurrentCounter_AGP1: 147 -> 148
3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2: SeriesEndCounter_AGP1: 376 == 376
3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2: SeriesStartCounter_AGP1: 1 == 1

{ "type": 16, "id": "7MAtdyhCW8uBYEfuePJHRAvTRSCYishhWN8KLkYFSqgN", "fee": 500000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1662146112692, "version": 2, "chainId": 87, "sender": "3P57w9tH4Po6E2zL5L4oUEu8HjAPacSMU9h", "senderPublicKey": "8VxYgkVJz94W1Jdm7Gw2vLBxFRHRKnuGEvLeU5JnK6yU", "proofs": [ "fnQ8rMCRM7oYXiDNyNmeEbTDrd7VeSvGQXwoZ9mvHurgEz35ax76Pqe8THrbLEqe3Pr856aZ3hDPr7Grh2ksq8M" ], "dApp": "3PQdVNjaDKiurWqQ5THGxuPLXc3ta2MA3e2", "payment": [], "call": { "function": "IssueNFTSeries", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "AGP1" } ] }, "height": 3277416, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 308, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "SeriesStartCounter_AGP1", "type": "integer", "value": 1 }, { "key": "SeriesEndCounter_AGP1", "type": "integer", "value": 376 }, { "key": "SeriesCurrentCounter_AGP1", "type": "integer", "value": 148 } ], "transfers": [ { "address": "3P57w9tH4Po6E2zL5L4oUEu8HjAPacSMU9h", "asset": "GYhEBxik9EcnPstbwoNimz6Q1SzX7Gf4aBxF229H9kg3", "amount": 1 } ], "issues": [ { "assetId": "GYhEBxik9EcnPstbwoNimz6Q1SzX7Gf4aBxF229H9kg3", "name": "AGP1-148", "description": "AGP1 NFT collection assigns co-ownership to a plot of land (465 sqm) at Anfield Garden, Ipo Abara community, Port Harcourt, Rivers state, Nigeria. This NFT is a 375 NFT collection whose holders collectively own the property aforementioned. This NFT replaces the previously minted and sold OPA1 NFT. OPA1 NFT is hereby null and void. Vinekross LLC (L18958 Nevis) is the NFT Administrator and Issuer. The NFT gives you the right to vote on design of building to be built on the land and other benefits as announced by Hashgreed.com in its official communication channels. Owning this NFT means you agree to NFT Agreement Doc. Link to Agreement doc: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qma4J3UdtDAcH2tMFSB2dKESmR7HzYE4LHCmRdPs2s4ko8 Link to Sale receipt: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmQhTvSYpW2HUYFTRuQA1GsrSUnzuwTy9Cz9D31pbbyvQx Link to allocation: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmeKeKCexxfAGwDXimDZckqKoR585KuKzKDB9RnvGmRRNv Link to sale contract: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmb6Km4hrcbUqRP1df2CYfV2TwArcGMe1Vm5F19TbXfj6r", "quantity": 1, "decimals": 0, "isReissuable": false, "compiledScript": null, "nonce": 0 } ], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

24.35 ms