tx · 7WYAD9RGLjRDKZe6jshhKbY4u6uqKmywy9nnjTNevbdY

3PNs5PBwZ6WoRfsbFfEshHifbgabS785foa:  +100000 XWR Token
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.08.09 02:23 [615850] issue 3PNs5PBwZ6WoRfsbFfEshHifbgabS785foa > SELF +100000 XWR Token

{ "type": 3, "id": "7WYAD9RGLjRDKZe6jshhKbY4u6uqKmywy9nnjTNevbdY", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1502234565200, "version": 1, "sender": "3PNs5PBwZ6WoRfsbFfEshHifbgabS785foa", "senderPublicKey": "B8QowY7YYt25Bv35YFYs26fbAGR829nMx6EEuNPnGmmo", "proofs": [ "31fKm1eAUkTx37kdFuQ6Q6dzgawoV1h8JCUxh9vpFHyaZ1WtMADgAunLRNaWCZDWz6or72c2C3iPgfZobyKWP9ys" ], "signature": "31fKm1eAUkTx37kdFuQ6Q6dzgawoV1h8JCUxh9vpFHyaZ1WtMADgAunLRNaWCZDWz6or72c2C3iPgfZobyKWP9ys", "assetId": "7WYAD9RGLjRDKZe6jshhKbY4u6uqKmywy9nnjTNevbdY", "name": "XWR Token", "quantity": 100000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 0, "description": "Legally binding right to use WorkRepublic services (see price list) according to the choice of the token owner for 1000 EUR+VAT value. For example dedicated desk cost 500 EUR+VAT per month, meaning one token will give right for 2 months dedicated desk services\n\nLegal right to use the WorkRepublic Service for 1000 EUR+VAT will be secured by German laws and contract.", "height": 615850, "spentComplexity": 0 }

73.55 ms