tx · 7grqojS9X1z76PkuWsBhaWDgrUL36T3g8ugNAnoWFu68

3PHpQ9uNFkvVhhBkCRiD3kVdDizFeGz4XKS:  +10000000.0000 Pi Net Presale
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.07.16 18:44 [2153437] issue 3PHpQ9uNFkvVhhBkCRiD3kVdDizFeGz4XKS > SELF +10000000.0000 Pi Net Presale spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "7grqojS9X1z76PkuWsBhaWDgrUL36T3g8ugNAnoWFu68", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1594914289777, "version": 2, "sender": "3PHpQ9uNFkvVhhBkCRiD3kVdDizFeGz4XKS", "senderPublicKey": "AHFvxn9B7HpPitxU7ZWd9mXwp9nQABDvb3BvCRwrt3tW", "proofs": [ "jDdZhKUHtT8bEWFrmvoKpCK1bQBj6g6Myj1PNNtZLJYafj7DKivsNkBfvjdnvhA5PbVRK2tPdVrwnQ1PTw8Jpqm" ], "assetId": "7grqojS9X1z76PkuWsBhaWDgrUL36T3g8ugNAnoWFu68", "name": "Pi Net Presale", "quantity": 100000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 4, "description": "As the world becomes increasingly digital, cryptocurrency is a next natural step in the evolution of money. Pi is the first digital currency for everyday people, representing a major step forward in the adoption of cryptocurrency worldwide. \n\n\n\nOur Mission: Build a cryptocurrency and smart contracts platform secured and operated by everyday people.\n\n\n\nOur Vision: Build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer marketplace, fueled by Pi, the world’s most widely used cryptocurrency\n\n\n\nDISCLAIMER for more advanced readers: Because Pi’s mission is to be inclusive as possible, we’re going to take this opportunity to introduce our blockchain newbies to the rabbit hole :) Our website: https://minepi.com", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2153437, "spentComplexity": 0 }

19.37 ms