tx · 9wyHKshjNQiUyNuWRkDRf8kbHEg6Y8SHmdvpn2oZTzfg

3P39v4y4AnLPgGiiwo3WLS2B935NufUV9ho:  +15000000000.00000000 coinmaster
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.02.08 04:05 [1920138] issue 3P39v4y4AnLPgGiiwo3WLS2B935NufUV9ho > SELF +15000000000.00000000 coinmaster

{ "type": 3, "id": "9wyHKshjNQiUyNuWRkDRf8kbHEg6Y8SHmdvpn2oZTzfg", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1581123975457, "version": 2, "sender": "3P39v4y4AnLPgGiiwo3WLS2B935NufUV9ho", "senderPublicKey": "E7ogSjzLU6NouLiD4AxRVuzUyx9yXi3pCn4kchQ3khfe", "proofs": [ "2DoD7QiX1Gn6shyauaCz4P2asMqSeLcW4g7d2HAZHq5GE8ts792K4f36dgs9GuPu5m19C7s44CFEHB1Un3oYsrYQ" ], "assetId": "9wyHKshjNQiUyNuWRkDRf8kbHEg6Y8SHmdvpn2oZTzfg", "name": "coinmaster", "quantity": 1500000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "The purpose of the coinmaster project is to serve as an exchange tool between\ncryptocurrencies, thus supporting a universal currency.\nIts maximum Supply will be 15 Billion units, being able to meet the demand\nand it can be a project accessible to everyone in the middle of crypto.\nYour project as Currency / Token, is in its initial stage, therefore, we will be\nseeking improvements, in the development and dissemination, of the presented content.\nWe look forward to your interest, and we hope to count on your support, because we are all coinmasters.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1920138, "spentComplexity": 0 }

23.29 ms