tx · 4Mesr2zcyaeutRTHJ6eVHrN1P481MLd9ucrYcd86rhG3

3PKEkRwVG1HxVAxA1tAWx2Q8ZJ3VR1KttQ5:  +1000000 ToiletPaperT
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.04.01 14:25 [1998263] issue 3PKEkRwVG1HxVAxA1tAWx2Q8ZJ3VR1KttQ5 > SELF +1000000 ToiletPaperT

{ "type": 3, "id": "4Mesr2zcyaeutRTHJ6eVHrN1P481MLd9ucrYcd86rhG3", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1585740313003, "version": 2, "sender": "3PKEkRwVG1HxVAxA1tAWx2Q8ZJ3VR1KttQ5", "senderPublicKey": "4QMtHC6MJJBQnVoc63u25oh3YQa54horxvrZwwj1fDYH", "proofs": [ "5krKZ9DP81UTpx2WDnj9yXUtkYMX4F36GHNqaqd5jzPei7iEqGEZdaUwtUxvcxMVzji9fFXZDh5f4GUNyx7RdVXs" ], "assetId": "4Mesr2zcyaeutRTHJ6eVHrN1P481MLd9ucrYcd86rhG3", "name": "ToiletPaperT", "quantity": 1000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 0, "description": "To jest ToiletPaperToken\n\nW odpowiedzi na s\u0142abnacego dolara, brakujacego zlota powstal Toilet Paper Token. Papier w czasie kryzysu jest wazniejszy ni\u017c zloto, co ju\u017c pokaza\u0142o spo\u0142ecze\u0144stwo. Wyrywanie z r\u0105k, walki wr\u0119cz a to wszystko o opakowanie bialego miekkiego papieru toaletowego. Inwestuj w papier, bo jego tez jest ograniczona ilosc! wiecej dowiesz sie na www.kryptoraport.pl / ENG: The Toilet Paper Token was created in response to the depreciating dollar and unavailable gold. Society has shown, that toilet paper in times of crisis is more important than gold. Riots, huge queues, fights, it's all to get a pack of white soft toilet paper. Invest in toilet paper token, because its quantity is limited too! Find out more at www.kryptoraport.pl", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1998263, "spentComplexity": 0 }

23.31 ms