tx · 7p7vyDvNYDxJCXLwebWUXnKvpGbCneYc4LPXH5wiMVMX

3PF7LPa35YkFuht2znFaRsh7tCGs4cSP7WP:  +100000000000000000 FreeTON
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.05.08 03:03 [2051720] issue 3PF7LPa35YkFuht2znFaRsh7tCGs4cSP7WP > SELF +100000000000000000 FreeTON spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "7p7vyDvNYDxJCXLwebWUXnKvpGbCneYc4LPXH5wiMVMX", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1588896199063, "version": 2, "sender": "3PF7LPa35YkFuht2znFaRsh7tCGs4cSP7WP", "senderPublicKey": "CH7kb7WLCCcT7as4jy5Y147DndynF5iTsfUKVg3ozfkb", "proofs": [ "3BU3PizEbG1vgmiTzpaQRroruU9DtrXmiret2iU3RJLj1REXFrWoigwggMca4JgPtZDQyZsrEXZukDtuETSMHaxJ" ], "assetId": "7p7vyDvNYDxJCXLwebWUXnKvpGbCneYc4LPXH5wiMVMX", "name": "FreeTON", "quantity": 100000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "Why are we launching FreeTON \ud83d\udc8e token?\nIt is obvious that we need equal economic opportunities for The People of this world; and a new, more effective way to govern public finance — without influence from political elites.\nThe protocol represents an opportunity to create a massively scalable network benefiting hundreds of millions of people. Centered around smart contracts with easy to use tools for developers and users, it can promote free trade, equal opportunities, censorship resistance and cooperation during an unprecedented threat from a pandemic and an economic crisis.\nhttps://freeton.org/dod\nhttps://t.me/FreeTONCommunity", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2051720, "spentComplexity": 0 }

16.78 ms