2021.12.04 08:37 [2884092] invoke 3P8aVZUaDcrnSMA3Ui2ji7pPJrx3kmW44AM > 3PQSNFDHREQJyjgoNej87kKse7YoztHKh7w (failed)

{ "type": 16, "id": "8i2aFRjiVEU2jNByGL2G8Y6fJcUKVw7UwVX5VRKBAThM", "fee": 500010, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1638595640416, "version": 1, "sender": "3P8aVZUaDcrnSMA3Ui2ji7pPJrx3kmW44AM", "senderPublicKey": "8AFeJhKDcjKv1q6gv14ErJCNA7HCbDjdA8QWsbtiCk2U", "proofs": [ "4wNzrbpC5vh2QYGzbCAoSnDFeuKL9HUrei6HrTpRpsu8jZZ7PW8n6BCeBjRz1MzVrCKnK6y4NUWQF2pqY2CfZjox" ], "dApp": "3PQSNFDHREQJyjgoNej87kKse7YoztHKh7w", "payment": [], "call": { "function": "call8", "args": [ { "type": "integer", "value": 1000000000 }, { "type": "integer", "value": 990000 } ] }, "height": 2884092, "applicationStatus": "script_execution_failed", "spentComplexity": 1047, "stateChanges": { "data": [], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [ { "dApp": "3PK7Xe5BiedRyxHLuMQx5ey9riUQqvUths2", "call": { "function": "exchange", "args": [ { "type": "Int", "value": 1 } ] }, "payment": [ { "assetId": null, "amount": 1000000000 } ], "stateChanges": { "data": [], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [], "error": { "code": 1, "text": "Insufficient DApp balance to pay 136739094 Neutrino EUR due to staking. Available: 82901541 Neutrino EUR. Please contact support in Telegram: https://t.me/swopfisupport" } } } ], "error": { "code": 1, "text": "Insufficient DApp balance to pay 136739094 Neutrino EUR due to staking. Available: 82901541 Neutrino EUR. Please contact support in Telegram: https://t.me/swopfisupport" } } }

15.80 ms