3PDksLJRFaDEsh1wweUFbxnapnY9QfpJ1oA:  +100000000 METH TOKEN
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.08.21 01:36 [2204940] issue 3PDksLJRFaDEsh1wweUFbxnapnY9QfpJ1oA > SELF +100000000 METH TOKEN

{ "type": 3, "id": "2aNDtMXYgRJEpZnjdYWfrBUZvHSWU5GMVukXk7FY3LJ2", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1597962974640, "version": 2, "sender": "3PDksLJRFaDEsh1wweUFbxnapnY9QfpJ1oA", "senderPublicKey": "BLztLr1wrTiXEWXZVj9MJBd7pFmiJfVNmRZSZj4mdyoe", "proofs": [ "4cG9gjVakF3thmTZsjtvTdYFftaaH7F2grXua3acmgwGMNX5FGWVK47NwpH7P5DGDprQC9qcoBKnZM2Nosc2sFfy" ], "assetId": "2aNDtMXYgRJEpZnjdYWfrBUZvHSWU5GMVukXk7FY3LJ2", "name": "METH TOKEN", "quantity": 100000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 0, "description": "(MET) is a decentralized and TOKEN privacy-focused cryptocurrency that enables selective transparency of transactions. METH transactions can either be transparent or shielded through a zero-knowledge proof called zk-SNARKs. This allows the network to maintain a secure ledger of balances without disclosing the parties or amounts involved. Instead of publishing spend-authority and transaction values, the transaction metadata is encrypted and MT are used to prove that nobody is being dishonest.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2204940, "spentComplexity": 0 }

40.56 ms