tx · 967ZthbSzRgNEjYguXU7iKhFstemS8w9HM3R9HJwzLE7

3P8KhPsyU2Z2FRqKhuG2aw59WHw7RyLMMF1:  +200000000.0000000 SG20 (Token)
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.11.15 20:01 [2330509] issue 3P8KhPsyU2Z2FRqKhuG2aw59WHw7RyLMMF1 > SELF +200000000.0000000 SG20 (Token) spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "967ZthbSzRgNEjYguXU7iKhFstemS8w9HM3R9HJwzLE7", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1605459620611, "version": 2, "sender": "3P8KhPsyU2Z2FRqKhuG2aw59WHw7RyLMMF1", "senderPublicKey": "D1MqeuBY5VFFg77qoySt4HZFBLcjQpQX6msjM5cpx1ju", "proofs": [ "2Z9Kd96Cj1yyCVbKrfWPipWQKt5KeBphcJmA2bMXZbcPxFsM5Co1apdwURVwP9tSkE5LUQKa77sCQoNQWZCnATff" ], "assetId": "967ZthbSzRgNEjYguXU7iKhFstemS8w9HM3R9HJwzLE7", "name": "SG20 (Token)", "quantity": 2000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 7, "description": "SG20 Token is a cryptocurrency leverage on pure crypto's advantage and the features of an STO (Security Token Offering ). The owners of SG20 can participate in the development of the selected projects. The token invests in turn and through MAXIMUM in financial projects. Its underlying asset guarantees the safety of the invested capital.\nTot Token 200,000,000\npre launch\n20,000,000\nreserve\n50,000,000\ntoken value\n$ 0.03\n\nexclusive property of S.G.N", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2330509, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

17.53 ms