tx · 9JjhYnV4Hd6p7ccsXgusN4aMPK4Ne33F5T1RJw9z5RRT

3PEebAxzLjmzLFLLo1EohqxtvS6VXFoKrfg:  +8000000000.00000000 Woon
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2022.05.27 21:44 [3135971] issue 3PEebAxzLjmzLFLLo1EohqxtvS6VXFoKrfg > SELF +8000000000.00000000 Woon

{ "type": 3, "id": "9JjhYnV4Hd6p7ccsXgusN4aMPK4Ne33F5T1RJw9z5RRT", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1653676912829, "version": 2, "sender": "3PEebAxzLjmzLFLLo1EohqxtvS6VXFoKrfg", "senderPublicKey": "2JZktiEx9mkApHS7tCRLarD7CvzmrbcUnag9ouHK7Ak2", "proofs": [ "PeRh2itZR7XaLDaS1mwkxSyV5xxftpxoPxo379pNWNo5sikynXKUBuWKGjcczpFiiUmM7BvYiK5SnB86SV6f9JJ" ], "assetId": "9JjhYnV4Hd6p7ccsXgusN4aMPK4Ne33F5T1RJw9z5RRT", "name": "Woon", "quantity": 800000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "WOON es un método de pago para ingresar a sus campeonatos de trading. servirá como un Ticket de entrada para todos los torneos que organiza.\n\nWOON is a payment method to enter their trading championships. will serve as an entry ticket for all the tournaments it organizes.\n\nRepartiremos USDT a sus participantes y ganadores. Los premios dependen de la cantidad de inscritos en el campeonato. \n\nWe will distribute USDT to your participants and winners. The prizes depend on the number of registered in the championship.\n", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 3135971, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

12.50 ms