tx · 9rwvEbiC7NNQ8Q5Yb4rQHs9MWRdhMNpcDRcHDGoy9vrs

3PGv3fLbMTyoiGwvzpWmoxjiThr3c1DPBz8:  -0.00900000 Waves

2023.08.04 15:10 [3761448] data 3PGv3fLbMTyoiGwvzpWmoxjiThr3c1DPBz8 > SELF 0.00000000 Waves

3PGv3fLbMTyoiGwvzpWmoxjiThr3c1DPBz8: 1Sm23:29: "And David went up from thence, and dwelt in strong holds at Engedi."
3PGv3fLbMTyoiGwvzpWmoxjiThr3c1DPBz8: 1Sm23:28: "Wherefore Saul returned from pursuing after David, and went against the Philistines: therefore they called that place Selahammahlekoth."
3PGv3fLbMTyoiGwvzpWmoxjiThr3c1DPBz8: 1Sm23:27: "But there came a messenger unto Saul, saying, Haste thee, and come; for the Philistines have invaded the land."
3PGv3fLbMTyoiGwvzpWmoxjiThr3c1DPBz8: 1Sm23:26: "And Saul went on this side of the mountain, and David and his men on that side of the mountain: and David made haste to get away for fear of Saul; for Saul and his men compassed David and his men round about to take them."
3PGv3fLbMTyoiGwvzpWmoxjiThr3c1DPBz8: 1Sm23:25: "Saul also and his men went to seek him. And they told David: wherefore he came down into a rock, and abode in the wilderness of Maon. And when Saul heard that, he pursued after David in the wilderness of Maon."
3PGv3fLbMTyoiGwvzpWmoxjiThr3c1DPBz8: 1Sm23:24: "And they arose, and went to Ziph before Saul: but David and his men were in the wilderness of Maon, in the plain on the south of Jeshimon."
3PGv3fLbMTyoiGwvzpWmoxjiThr3c1DPBz8: 1Sm23:23: "See therefore, and take knowledge of all the lurking places where he hideth himself, and come ye again to me with the certainty, and I will go with you: and it shall come to pass, if he be in the land, that I will search him out throughout all the thousands of Judah."
3PGv3fLbMTyoiGwvzpWmoxjiThr3c1DPBz8: 1Sm23:22: "Go, I pray you, prepare yet, and know and see his place where his haunt is, and who hath seen him there: for it is told me that he dealeth very subtilly."
3PGv3fLbMTyoiGwvzpWmoxjiThr3c1DPBz8: 1Sm23:21: "And Saul said, Blessed be ye of the LORD; for ye have compassion on me."
3PGv3fLbMTyoiGwvzpWmoxjiThr3c1DPBz8: 1Sm23:20: "Now therefore, O king, come down according to all the desire of thy soul to come down; and our part shall be to deliver him into the king's hand."

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