tx · AWXSKxrzLFpm6NN1552LJfRvNNJuhYZUmEJV8F9s2s1m

3PFKPAxQ2Kursp27haFLGqwdQDfyo2U2hW3:  +1000000 WC.Poker
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.06.03 13:00 [1026394] issue 3PFKPAxQ2Kursp27haFLGqwdQDfyo2U2hW3 > SELF +1000000 WC.Poker

{ "type": 3, "id": "AWXSKxrzLFpm6NN1552LJfRvNNJuhYZUmEJV8F9s2s1m", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1528020114887, "version": 1, "sender": "3PFKPAxQ2Kursp27haFLGqwdQDfyo2U2hW3", "senderPublicKey": "HGXorWHkpA85VdbKNFd6TJdveEaofpCS4SCHPz9yx3NT", "proofs": [ "5SCSqAgBscbz1YTDa2vZhG7jyV9e8KzLGLafAL7EFeL4coCmWmFfJvGCZ1cQqo5v2XoWQJADhNcVr3cXyAYVbNQg" ], "signature": "5SCSqAgBscbz1YTDa2vZhG7jyV9e8KzLGLafAL7EFeL4coCmWmFfJvGCZ1cQqo5v2XoWQJADhNcVr3cXyAYVbNQg", "assetId": "AWXSKxrzLFpm6NN1552LJfRvNNJuhYZUmEJV8F9s2s1m", "name": "WC.Poker", "quantity": 1000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "This is part of our profit sharing Program, there will only ever be maximum 30% available. This will be shared from the profit pool of all profits made at https://wincrypto.poker on a monthly basis. These funds will be used for improvements on the platform and for the addition of new currencies. 70% will always be retained by the Company. We are a registered Gaming Company incorporated in Cost Rica and in the near future we will have our Corporate site up with all details for the public to view and for direct contact with us personally. All dividends will be only paid out in BitcoinCash (BCH) on a per share basis through the Waves Platform until such time BitcoinCash has a platform were assets and shares can be created and dividends paid.", "height": 1026394, "spentComplexity": 0 }

68.52 ms