tx · AmobvP2qoKhicT2w54DBXAyh1DWkftzTMAxpW7iosXBp

3PPvto5t4p9Hznuf4bFzNsiXuBM4VkM8HNp:  +10000000.00000000 WDExpo
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.12.04 00:19 [2883587] issue 3PPvto5t4p9Hznuf4bFzNsiXuBM4VkM8HNp > SELF +10000000.00000000 WDExpo spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "AmobvP2qoKhicT2w54DBXAyh1DWkftzTMAxpW7iosXBp", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1638566375149, "version": 2, "sender": "3PPvto5t4p9Hznuf4bFzNsiXuBM4VkM8HNp", "senderPublicKey": "BZKpVdSghmsDD8P8fDEUmngxvDjVTut27799asYPisV", "proofs": [ "22dY4YXqc8fACbBaVmTsgTwqvzXExE1nFixMe3mpyVoqxzdas1Y1PdajiiKXPTGzhWrUgXe3kBtffvP7brYLXK7W" ], "assetId": "AmobvP2qoKhicT2w54DBXAyh1DWkftzTMAxpW7iosXBp", "name": "WDExpo", "quantity": 1000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "World Dubai Expo \n\nWorld's largest exhibition in the world, with the latest world developments and know-how! \n\nWe are a Global Digital Platform for the tokenization of the market for goods presented on World Dubai Expo \n\nDate Expo: 10 December 2021 - 28 march 2022. \n\nHolders WDExpo token, can buy products on Expo at rate: 1 WDExpo - 1 $. \n\nFirst holders 1,000,000 WDExpo, get Airdrop: for 1 WDExpo - 10 BTC Satoshi per day !!!!!!! \n\nInfo channel: https://t.me/WDExpo", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2883587, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

33.50 ms