3PAM8SsFRdR17t5mF3xMj3andiNLquMt4pu:  +92000000000.00000000 Immigration Coin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.06.09 20:45 [1034821] issue 3PAM8SsFRdR17t5mF3xMj3andiNLquMt4pu > SELF +92000000000.00000000 Immigration Coin

{ "type": 3, "id": "BBbNyXJmx3CNYAYxzLTNDApBALq6kQewYH9LFcm1BiDz", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1528566357551, "version": 1, "sender": "3PAM8SsFRdR17t5mF3xMj3andiNLquMt4pu", "senderPublicKey": "3UrbBUiu8z49gdqZmeuRfGNHyGkbamAk3J1GxsGdQ6V9", "proofs": [ "3rUVWj2Zi7b4c6qmLDxCZ8FMHybc9jJEYW3Sca84WzXrwdQdg387BgYfkUpaQozPe3yMSCXPKrTn46SzNgx1cciu" ], "signature": "3rUVWj2Zi7b4c6qmLDxCZ8FMHybc9jJEYW3Sca84WzXrwdQdg387BgYfkUpaQozPe3yMSCXPKrTn46SzNgx1cciu", "assetId": "BBbNyXJmx3CNYAYxzLTNDApBALq6kQewYH9LFcm1BiDz", "name": "Immigration Coin", "quantity": 9200000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "Do you aspire to travel world or to migrate permanently to a different county, but you don’t know how or from where to start? \n\nWell the Immigration Coins plans to create a global platform where both the prospects and migration agents can directly connect to each other. \n\nNot only that, the platform will also give opportunity to people who wants to apply for Visa, to see migration agent’s authenticity based on country’s qualification to be migration agent. \n\nThis is a global token and anyone will be able to transact for paying or getting the fee.", "height": 1034821, "spentComplexity": 0 }

43.51 ms