tx · BeXUzQHpuaHfjcWnwq3rs3YEEr6qefmx1Lqrp5hSLFCi

3PMq5xHZTmwv4n2zjQKV1Qn6Ap7tmjn3V7v:  +300000000.00000000 ARZt
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.05.28 20:11 [2610458] issue 3PMq5xHZTmwv4n2zjQKV1Qn6Ap7tmjn3V7v > SELF +300000000.00000000 ARZt

{ "type": 3, "id": "BeXUzQHpuaHfjcWnwq3rs3YEEr6qefmx1Lqrp5hSLFCi", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1622221868439, "version": 2, "sender": "3PMq5xHZTmwv4n2zjQKV1Qn6Ap7tmjn3V7v", "senderPublicKey": "DPUmZ2ZAV92Xb73hiarWhL8nAco3zVJ8tw6H4eg9k1fs", "proofs": [ "4WzgJrq7LurN3FgwyVgEoCJDrtSBpziqz2xjarQHZrYa7iQwz33YYB1iZ7XZGAhYLFtqcX8cRAtBfYbKm3ZxyYo9" ], "assetId": "BeXUzQHpuaHfjcWnwq3rs3YEEr6qefmx1Lqrp5hSLFCi", "name": "ARZt", "quantity": 30000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "O ARZt ou Arara Azul Token, é uma moeda voltada para o mercado Brasileiro, mas acessível ao mundo. Tem por objetivo introduzir as criptomoedas no mercado tradicional de prestação de serviços e comércio em geral. \n\n Para chegar ao nosso objetivo, vamos atuar em educação e conscientização financeira, sendo um criptoativo de fácil acesso, seguro e transparente.\n \nMais informações no link:\t\nhttps://winfast.club/arztoken\n\n**********************\n\nThe ARZt or Arara Azul Token, is a currency aimed at the Brazilian market, but accessible to the world. It aims to introduce cryptocurrencies into the traditional market for the provision of services and commerce in general.\n\n To reach our goal, we will act in education and financial awareness, being a cryptographic of easy access, safe and transparent.\n \nMore information on the link:\nhttps://winfast.club/arztoken", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2610458, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

34.67 ms