tx · ButbTYBoawttLEtu3UrqhxKZsPotjnVpAWzqyXZwMAb7

3P4u3E19Kdc4r4GuZ3YZU8JXbRz87H375oB:  -0.00500000 Waves

2023.04.10 23:02 [3594568] invoke 3P3p2zt2MhX73SkSQZrUn63UNZVmGJPLoJH > 3PJL8Hn8LACaSBWLQ3UVhctA5cTQLBFwBAP getUserGwxAmountAtHeightREADONLY()
2023.04.10 23:02 [3594568] invoke 3P4u3E19Kdc4r4GuZ3YZU8JXbRz87H375oB > 3P3p2zt2MhX73SkSQZrUn63UNZVmGJPLoJH voteFor()

3P3p2zt2MhX73SkSQZrUn63UNZVmGJPLoJH: %s%d%s__userVoteOnProposal__2__3P4u3E19Kdc4r4GuZ3YZU8JXbRz87H375oB: "%d%d__0__247639261934"
3P3p2zt2MhX73SkSQZrUn63UNZVmGJPLoJH: %s%d__proposalInfo__2: "%d%d%d%d%d%d__WXP-003 Cancel withdrawals of tokens queued at the gateways and return the funds to the users.__To resolve the situation with a long wait for processing withdrawals and due to numerous requests from users, the following changes are proposed:
1.Cancel withdrawals to the external blockchain that are queued at the gateways.
2.Return the funds to the users' addresses in the Waves blockchain.__3608305__500000000000000__58632485160897__29498681579791" -> "%d%d%d%d%d%d__WXP-003 Cancel withdrawals of tokens queued at the gateways and return the funds to the users.__To resolve the situation with a long wait for processing withdrawals and due to numerous requests from users, the following changes are proposed:
1.Cancel withdrawals to the external blockchain that are queued at the gateways.
2.Return the funds to the users' addresses in the Waves blockchain.__3608305__500000000000000__58632485160897__29746320841725"

{ "type": 16, "id": "ButbTYBoawttLEtu3UrqhxKZsPotjnVpAWzqyXZwMAb7", "fee": 500000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1681156955508, "version": 2, "chainId": 87, "sender": "3P4u3E19Kdc4r4GuZ3YZU8JXbRz87H375oB", "senderPublicKey": "FGap9Dcq3Rr8ifrhkDhYtGSbY7naxxaKeBoeSGEUp2NB", "proofs": [ "3N5jaFMp9vdnhGxqiZAZQwK3m5CssvkksV8j9T9WyijLe2QrKr5XYbBHqFKthcK1dg1zNqxuS1S72QCHquoRRVtG" ], "dApp": "3P3p2zt2MhX73SkSQZrUn63UNZVmGJPLoJH", "payment": [], "call": { "function": "voteFor", "args": [ { "type": "integer", "value": 2 }, { "type": "boolean", "value": false } ] }, "height": 3594568, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 249, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "%s%d__proposalInfo__2", "type": "string", "value": "%d%d%d%d%d%d__WXP-003 Cancel withdrawals of tokens queued at the gateways and return the funds to the users.__To resolve the situation with a long wait for processing withdrawals and due to numerous requests from users, the following changes are proposed:\n1.Cancel withdrawals to the external blockchain that are queued at the gateways.\n2.Return the funds to the users' addresses in the Waves blockchain.__3608305__500000000000000__58632485160897__29746320841725" }, { "key": "%s%d%s__userVoteOnProposal__2__3P4u3E19Kdc4r4GuZ3YZU8JXbRz87H375oB", "type": "string", "value": "%d%d__0__247639261934" } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [ { "dApp": "3PJL8Hn8LACaSBWLQ3UVhctA5cTQLBFwBAP", "call": { "function": "getUserGwxAmountAtHeightREADONLY", "args": [ { "type": "String", "value": "3P4u3E19Kdc4r4GuZ3YZU8JXbRz87H375oB" }, { "type": "Int", "value": 3608305 } ] }, "payment": [], "stateChanges": { "data": [], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } } ] } }

23.79 ms