tx · CheTFfyV2DwMAH9CgER2aP8uFz5FerpjzNNhKb24A7r8

3PCLFk9JMnZvGiThs4CtBDdpMHMyhbjNaA4:  +1111 11:11
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.09.04 21:42 [653150] issue 3PCLFk9JMnZvGiThs4CtBDdpMHMyhbjNaA4 > SELF +1111 11:11

{ "type": 3, "id": "CheTFfyV2DwMAH9CgER2aP8uFz5FerpjzNNhKb24A7r8", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1504550386541, "version": 1, "sender": "3PCLFk9JMnZvGiThs4CtBDdpMHMyhbjNaA4", "senderPublicKey": "E4iggYNffipMtDr8LsnFzJrbR2k7vPx3DveVGyjDYorn", "proofs": [ "51Ai6Lj11rNvubjFjeXzFtyfYeoFDhBYiA5WKgnUidmWrE38Hf6ShNST2MKQvGR4juSktPboeVCs7v2VcpbpJV7i" ], "signature": "51Ai6Lj11rNvubjFjeXzFtyfYeoFDhBYiA5WKgnUidmWrE38Hf6ShNST2MKQvGR4juSktPboeVCs7v2VcpbpJV7i", "assetId": "CheTFfyV2DwMAH9CgER2aP8uFz5FerpjzNNhKb24A7r8", "name": "11:11", "quantity": 1111, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "What is the time of 11:11 ?\n\nI started researching it and I came across numerology. It is a science that deals with the study of numbers in relation to occult behavior.\n\nExplains and investigates how mysterious patterns can express current and future trends in our lives.\n\nI learned that we did not see a subconscious timing cycle and were not the only people who did not see it. The growing number of people around the world see small characters like these.\n\nThere are various explanations about who or what these mysterious messages send us. Some think they come from angels, interdimensional beings, the universe itself, or even from God.\n\nI will leave it to your unique imagination to make you understand what is communicating with you. Ultimately, this can be different for each of us.", "height": 653150, "spentComplexity": 0 }

68.32 ms