tx · DoFjwKoAXc2UfX4mgtcBt4wvSq5qosw82JAJkvFpzJGd

3P8b2jm4yknPerbWBU8hpKs2bDyUwPdmfQc:  +1000000000.000000 Reversive
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.05.31 15:14 [2614503] issue 3P8b2jm4yknPerbWBU8hpKs2bDyUwPdmfQc > SELF +1000000000.000000 Reversive

{ "type": 3, "id": "DoFjwKoAXc2UfX4mgtcBt4wvSq5qosw82JAJkvFpzJGd", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1622463212337, "version": 2, "sender": "3P8b2jm4yknPerbWBU8hpKs2bDyUwPdmfQc", "senderPublicKey": "5fz1ixGnCr9bSKHEdTPeceeKrqTdRvFx3ANVuWzy6y6n", "proofs": [ "2jNHBJQiQDzWyYRg49uN7jGULoMNKsXYrPGvaJDrsaKnA99k2cWqGcNEZe7nNn7VFPM1y1VQyaoLMcrNFnUCan6V" ], "assetId": "DoFjwKoAXc2UfX4mgtcBt4wvSq5qosw82JAJkvFpzJGd", "name": "Reversive", "quantity": 1000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 6, "description": "In the face of global economic instability, assets such as Bitcoin show a huge demand for financial decentralization to save and accumulate long-term funds.\nThis token was created to protect financial interests from incessant global inflation, by buying back 12% of marketed tokens annually and burning 12% of the current token emissions.\nThe initial emission is coins, with the first incineration occurring on 24.12.2021. Then every calendar year on December 24. Emissions will be reduced until 2039, when the total number of tokens will be 10% of the total initial emissions.\nThe accumulated funds in coins will be used to create mining centers on renewable energy sources, that will guarantee the annual purchase of the token and its further destruction. For the transparency of the organization, it is planned to create a decentralized application with the possibility of staking digital assets.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2614503, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

26.05 ms