tx · EMCr3A1goe8rkLP4wxNvfFzLTdbQnVRYaoSfs8jWRBBU

3PGCBogVT9WpsDVw2HkAX5WxXFobw8oC7yR:  +100000.00000000 COEVAL
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.08.10 03:16 [617272] issue 3PGCBogVT9WpsDVw2HkAX5WxXFobw8oC7yR > SELF +100000.00000000 COEVAL spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "EMCr3A1goe8rkLP4wxNvfFzLTdbQnVRYaoSfs8jWRBBU", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1502324107760, "version": 1, "sender": "3PGCBogVT9WpsDVw2HkAX5WxXFobw8oC7yR", "senderPublicKey": "ECGn4rkcL1EE1iEwSkH1JLktnfCdgPpzfBBgKmVgzJrA", "proofs": [ "25aPNU6rQ6MHpGvt3QSKEkuQJ7LaDTPY891pykG7jLSuQxSC4NVmYJM7uiBbVHgBpscMThwkBpaCnmyx62yeXXME" ], "signature": "25aPNU6rQ6MHpGvt3QSKEkuQJ7LaDTPY891pykG7jLSuQxSC4NVmYJM7uiBbVHgBpscMThwkBpaCnmyx62yeXXME", "assetId": "EMCr3A1goe8rkLP4wxNvfFzLTdbQnVRYaoSfs8jWRBBU", "name": "COEVAL", "quantity": 10000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "COEVAL is a DMH&CO-issued token that has the following attributes: 1.\tIt can be bought and sold on WAVES platform 2.\tIt can be exchanged at 80% discount for any tokens issued by DMH&CO affiliate entities (on top of any early-bird discounts and/or bonuses issued by such entities) 3.\tIt can be sold back to DMH&CO after 12 months for double its Issuance Value payable in ETH at current market price 4.\tDMH&CO may issue a mandatory call-up and/or repurchase of COEVAL tokens. In such an instance, the tokens must be sold for the equivalent value of 2) and 3) combined (i.e. they must be sold for 80% discount to token issuance value and double the issuance sum paid or double the previous one-week moving average market price of the tokens – whichever is higher – paid out in ETH)", "height": 617272, "spentComplexity": 0 }

91.14 ms