tx · FRrsMDgo9Q5MfUVg5LLaeUPxz7srae1s74fJVEYBoBzZ

3P2VL6GEDUK32Vzwvhw3pnDku9Lbs9KpV1S:  -0.00900000 Waves

2019.09.03 12:42 [1689611] invoke 3P2VL6GEDUK32Vzwvhw3pnDku9Lbs9KpV1S > 3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R projupdate()

3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R: datajson_9f0030af-2604-4f0c-8e7b-109621c2a8bd: "{"name":"Neutrino","description":"An algorithmic price-stable cryptocurrency protocol collateralized by WAVES token","logoUrl":"https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/cropped_a012f2b0-ce2c-11e9-b505-53ffcb78d012.png","expireCrowd":"2019-12-03 00:00:00","demoDay":"2020-03-03 00:00:00","targetWaves":10000,"tags":["stablecoin","collaterization","bonds usd"],"contents":{"problem":"The volatility of cryptocurrency is a big barrier for dApp developers and retail merchants, which prevents popular digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ether or WAVES from mass adoption. There are several fiat-based stable coins like USDT, TUSD, and Gemini which attempt to solve this problem, however they are centralized entities that must be entrusted with keeping enough reserves for issued stable-coins, which is not always the case.","solution":"Neutrino stable coin setup eschews the untrustworthy fiat reserve strategy and instead uses an algorithmic approach with a cryptocurrency backing. The exchange rate of stablecoin to crypto is determined by external oracles: in this case, the issue is not the stable coin price stability per se, but the price stability of the underlying asset, which is achieved via a smart contract that automatically dispenses stable coins in exchange for the underlying crypto and vice versa.","xFactor":"It may happen that the full redemption of the stable coin becomes impossible due to the crypto volatility and the diminishing value of the underlying asset (Waves). To counter this, we propose adding a new bond-like instrument, which ensures that in case of diminishing reserves in underlying assets, there is an incentive to replenish them through the purchase of the bond token.","whySmartContracts":"Fiat-backed stable coins rely on external reserves of fiat and require the element of trust. By implementing a trustless Oracle-based system based on a smart contract swap collaterization","newFeaturesOrMvp":"To counter the possibility of exploits, we are creating an \"Emergency Shutdown\" mechanism which would allow Neutrino users to retrieve the remaining value they are entitled to.","marketStrategy":"Early stage marketing is \"word of mouth\" within Waves community among developers to integrate Neutrino into their dApps.\nScaling period: B2B fintech & retail markets to ensure mass adoption.","impactOnCommunity":"Pledge 3 Waves or more\nOur sincerest thank you!\n\nPledge 10 Waves or more\nLet everyone know that you support us\n\nPledge 100 Waves or more\nAssistance with Neutrino integration\n\nPledge 1000 Waves or more\nNeutrino Sponsorship Status","currentStage":"1 - UX Prototype with dashboards\n2 - Backend: Waves to Neutrino swapping, bond orders, wallet logic "},"socials":{"url_website":"https://neutrino.at/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/AlekseiPupyshev"},"uid":"9f0030af-2604-4f0c-8e7b-109621c2a8bd","previews":[],"expireVoting":"2019-09-03 11:34:09","expireWhale":"2019-12-08 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-09-03 09:34:09"}" -> "{"name":"Neutrino","description":"An algorithmic price-stable cryptocurrency protocol collateralized by WAVES token","logoUrl":"https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/cropped_a012f2b0-ce2c-11e9-b505-53ffcb78d012.png","expireCrowd":"2019-12-03 00:00:00","demoDay":"2020-03-03 00:00:00","targetWaves":10000,"tags":["stablecoin","collaterization","bonds usd"],"contents":{"problem":"The volatility of cryptocurrency is a big barrier for dApp developers and retail merchants, which prevents popular digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ether or WAVES from mass adoption. There are several fiat-based stable coins like USDT, TUSD, and Gemini which attempt to solve this problem, however they are centralized entities that must be entrusted with keeping enough reserves for issued stable-coins, which is not always the case.","solution":"Neutrino stable coin setup eschews the untrustworthy fiat reserve strategy and instead uses an algorithmic approach with a cryptocurrency backing. The exchange rate of stablecoin to crypto is determined by external oracles: in this case, the issue is not the stable coin price stability per se, but the price stability of the underlying asset, which is achieved via a smart contract that automatically dispenses stable coins in exchange for the underlying crypto and vice versa.","xFactor":"It may happen that the full redemption of the stable coin becomes impossible due to the crypto volatility and the diminishing value of the underlying asset (Waves). To counter this, we propose adding a new bond-like instrument, which ensures that in case of diminishing reserves in underlying assets, there is an incentive to replenish them through the purchase of the bond token.","whySmartContracts":"Fiat-backed stable coins rely on external reserves of fiat and require the element of trust. By implementing a trustless Oracle-based system based on a smart contract swap collaterization","newFeaturesOrMvp":"To counter the possibility of exploits, we are creating an \"Emergency Shutdown\" mechanism which would allow Neutrino users to retrieve the remaining value they are entitled to.","marketStrategy":"Early stage marketing is \"word of mouth\" within Waves community among developers to integrate Neutrino into their dApps.\nScaling period: B2B fintech & retail markets to ensure mass adoption.","impactOnCommunity":"Pledge 3 Waves or more\nOur sincerest thank you!\n\nPledge 10 Waves or more\nLet everyone know that you support us\n\nPledge 100 Waves or more\nAssistance with Neutrino integration\n\nPledge 1000 Waves or more\nNeutrino Sponsorship Status","currentStage":"1 - UX Prototype with dashboards\n2 - Backend: Waves to Neutrino swapping, bond orders, wallet logic "},"socials":{"url_website":"https://neutrino.at/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/AlekseiPupyshev"},"uid":"9f0030af-2604-4f0c-8e7b-109621c2a8bd","contest":"","coverSmallUrl":"","coverUrl":"","previews":["https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/30439130-ce2f-11e9-b505-53ffcb78d012.png"],"expireVoting":"2019-09-03 11:43:00","expireWhale":"2019-12-08 00:00:00"}"

{ "type": 16, "id": "FRrsMDgo9Q5MfUVg5LLaeUPxz7srae1s74fJVEYBoBzZ", "fee": 900000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1567503780495, "version": 1, "sender": "3P2VL6GEDUK32Vzwvhw3pnDku9Lbs9KpV1S", "senderPublicKey": "3nkv3fsJFhuQfiFZNnxM1RgAE1GftyJ3FnWYMdLooSMX", "proofs": [ "5NocPs77XWGaauqA1hrR3UNKoaJAF6JaBtXSoHgpSYszEy7ujtPMqDGDYegn2xFWJgLiLZnXBtbebEK9jx5uG1S7" ], "dApp": "3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R", "payment": [], "call": { "function": "projupdate", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "9f0030af-2604-4f0c-8e7b-109621c2a8bd" }, { "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"Neutrino","description":"An algorithmic price-stable cryptocurrency protocol collateralized by WAVES token","logoUrl":"https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/cropped_a012f2b0-ce2c-11e9-b505-53ffcb78d012.png","expireCrowd":"2019-12-03 00:00:00","demoDay":"2020-03-03 00:00:00","targetWaves":10000,"tags":["stablecoin","collaterization","bonds usd"],"contents":{"problem":"The volatility of cryptocurrency is a big barrier for dApp developers and retail merchants, which prevents popular digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ether or WAVES from mass adoption. There are several fiat-based stable coins like USDT, TUSD, and Gemini which attempt to solve this problem, however they are centralized entities that must be entrusted with keeping enough reserves for issued stable-coins, which is not always the case.","solution":"Neutrino stable coin setup eschews the untrustworthy fiat reserve strategy and instead uses an algorithmic approach with a cryptocurrency backing. The exchange rate of stablecoin to crypto is determined by external oracles: in this case, the issue is not the stable coin price stability per se, but the price stability of the underlying asset, which is achieved via a smart contract that automatically dispenses stable coins in exchange for the underlying crypto and vice versa.","xFactor":"It may happen that the full redemption of the stable coin becomes impossible due to the crypto volatility and the diminishing value of the underlying asset (Waves). To counter this, we propose adding a new bond-like instrument, which ensures that in case of diminishing reserves in underlying assets, there is an incentive to replenish them through the purchase of the bond token.","whySmartContracts":"Fiat-backed stable coins rely on external reserves of fiat and require the element of trust. By implementing a trustless Oracle-based system based on a smart contract swap collaterization","newFeaturesOrMvp":"To counter the possibility of exploits, we are creating an \\"Emergency Shutdown\\" mechanism which would allow Neutrino users to retrieve the remaining value they are entitled to.","marketStrategy":"Early stage marketing is \\"word of mouth\\" within Waves community among developers to integrate Neutrino into their dApps.\\nScaling period: B2B fintech & retail markets to ensure mass adoption.","impactOnCommunity":"Pledge 3 Waves or more\\nOur sincerest thank you!\\n\\nPledge 10 Waves or more\\nLet everyone know that you support us\\n\\nPledge 100 Waves or more\\nAssistance with Neutrino integration\\n\\nPledge 1000 Waves or more\\nNeutrino Sponsorship Status","currentStage":"1 - UX Prototype with dashboards\\n2 - Backend: Waves to Neutrino swapping, bond orders, wallet logic "},"socials":{"url_website":"https://neutrino.at/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/AlekseiPupyshev"},"uid":"9f0030af-2604-4f0c-8e7b-109621c2a8bd","contest":"","coverSmallUrl":"","coverUrl":"","previews":["https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/30439130-ce2f-11e9-b505-53ffcb78d012.png"],"expireVoting":"2019-09-03 11:43:00","expireWhale":"2019-12-08 00:00:00"}" } ] }, "height": 1689611, "spentComplexity": 157, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "datajson_9f0030af-2604-4f0c-8e7b-109621c2a8bd", "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"Neutrino","description":"An algorithmic price-stable cryptocurrency protocol collateralized by WAVES token","logoUrl":"https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/cropped_a012f2b0-ce2c-11e9-b505-53ffcb78d012.png","expireCrowd":"2019-12-03 00:00:00","demoDay":"2020-03-03 00:00:00","targetWaves":10000,"tags":["stablecoin","collaterization","bonds usd"],"contents":{"problem":"The volatility of cryptocurrency is a big barrier for dApp developers and retail merchants, which prevents popular digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ether or WAVES from mass adoption. There are several fiat-based stable coins like USDT, TUSD, and Gemini which attempt to solve this problem, however they are centralized entities that must be entrusted with keeping enough reserves for issued stable-coins, which is not always the case.","solution":"Neutrino stable coin setup eschews the untrustworthy fiat reserve strategy and instead uses an algorithmic approach with a cryptocurrency backing. The exchange rate of stablecoin to crypto is determined by external oracles: in this case, the issue is not the stable coin price stability per se, but the price stability of the underlying asset, which is achieved via a smart contract that automatically dispenses stable coins in exchange for the underlying crypto and vice versa.","xFactor":"It may happen that the full redemption of the stable coin becomes impossible due to the crypto volatility and the diminishing value of the underlying asset (Waves). To counter this, we propose adding a new bond-like instrument, which ensures that in case of diminishing reserves in underlying assets, there is an incentive to replenish them through the purchase of the bond token.","whySmartContracts":"Fiat-backed stable coins rely on external reserves of fiat and require the element of trust. By implementing a trustless Oracle-based system based on a smart contract swap collaterization","newFeaturesOrMvp":"To counter the possibility of exploits, we are creating an \\"Emergency Shutdown\\" mechanism which would allow Neutrino users to retrieve the remaining value they are entitled to.","marketStrategy":"Early stage marketing is \\"word of mouth\\" within Waves community among developers to integrate Neutrino into their dApps.\\nScaling period: B2B fintech & retail markets to ensure mass adoption.","impactOnCommunity":"Pledge 3 Waves or more\\nOur sincerest thank you!\\n\\nPledge 10 Waves or more\\nLet everyone know that you support us\\n\\nPledge 100 Waves or more\\nAssistance with Neutrino integration\\n\\nPledge 1000 Waves or more\\nNeutrino Sponsorship Status","currentStage":"1 - UX Prototype with dashboards\\n2 - Backend: Waves to Neutrino swapping, bond orders, wallet logic "},"socials":{"url_website":"https://neutrino.at/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/AlekseiPupyshev"},"uid":"9f0030af-2604-4f0c-8e7b-109621c2a8bd","contest":"","coverSmallUrl":"","coverUrl":"","previews":["https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/30439130-ce2f-11e9-b505-53ffcb78d012.png"],"expireVoting":"2019-09-03 11:43:00","expireWhale":"2019-12-08 00:00:00"}" } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

46.42 ms