2023.01.16 01:53 [3472182] issue 3PHBmvyR2J2P4yqEf5Ke2KMGRMRx7rbTsNv > SELF +100000000.000 TROP

{ "type": 3, "id": "FexJZbcCURUni1NvGLkZfSTL8cHuokRzTFrBHLomP1JV", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1673823283979, "version": 2, "sender": "3PHBmvyR2J2P4yqEf5Ke2KMGRMRx7rbTsNv", "senderPublicKey": "AwffvCyeFMQSiEAdbFBHDe8CxEqPReQ1edEhUDjqdnsG", "proofs": [ "5NNTJkH8M6eenrkPrKD47CgibaNwYZW1ttNiseTKejYkCWdUW4j57KcaVz8iWzMEw7C4na8Nf65swVTowPxnCkzi" ], "assetId": "FexJZbcCURUni1NvGLkZfSTL8cHuokRzTFrBHLomP1JV", "name": "TROP", "quantity": 100000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 3, "description": "New protocol. Importantly, TROP is now decentralized. Everyone who participates in the TROP economy uses TR in the same capacity as everyone else. It has been called “egalitarian” and “grassroots.” The efforts of some famous modern architects come to mind in their attempts to embody similar ideas in physical form: Le Corbusier, Mies van de Rohe and Walter Gropious, to name a few. These architects are famous for creating spaces that are equally accessible and not elitist. They used everyday material that everyone can access, and their designs focused on elevating everyday life. They created spacial experiences, not ornamented displays of architectural expense. The intention of the modern architects was to employ mundane material to create an extraordinary, uplifting experience that anyone can enjoy. ", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 3472182, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

48.49 ms