tx · G2YifjXsAYNbqojCUQJ8F9AJrdcGwFdND9AX2r5kJSdp

3P2mhQJdetkJjsKuYzyBqMmu16xbmtbqwfH:  +1 Warhol POPOLOGY
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2021.07.28 22:18 [2698682] issue 3P2mhQJdetkJjsKuYzyBqMmu16xbmtbqwfH > SELF +1 Warhol POPOLOGY

{ "type": 3, "id": "G2YifjXsAYNbqojCUQJ8F9AJrdcGwFdND9AX2r5kJSdp", "fee": 100000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1627499965623, "version": 2, "sender": "3P2mhQJdetkJjsKuYzyBqMmu16xbmtbqwfH", "senderPublicKey": "BwE8ecT2y6UU68HD4E3sFDgQNp5LxxPi4MERzFJ4o9L7", "proofs": [ "63KirpuDAEkNdtfDmfkWf3csuooZkMWuNXTZytie9dSpwXZ95kEFr5CypMWeWQQokMgifhLwtetVB38o7nJH7rFg" ], "assetId": "G2YifjXsAYNbqojCUQJ8F9AJrdcGwFdND9AX2r5kJSdp", "name": "Warhol POPOLOGY", "quantity": 1, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "POPOLOGIST® Andy Warhol in the POPOLOGY® Book Of POP Royalty Pages! American artist, film director, and producer who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, advertising, and celebrity culture that flourished by the 1960s, and span a variety of media, including painting, silkscreening, photography, film, and sculpture. Some of his best known works include the silkscreen paintings Campbell's Soup Cans (1962) and Marilyn Diptych (1962), the experimental films Empire (1964) and Chelsea Girls (1966), and the multimedia events known as the Exploding Plastic Inevitable (1966–67). A Natural and Original POPOLOGIST®\nhttps://www.popologist.org/post/andy-warhol-in-the-popology-book-of-pop-royalty-pages-nft", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2698682, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

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