tx · HfDPL9QH3xp1kXpvBWcxoaZpc7XQE1qDvhMzkPujnNVh

3PLkGNDkdvs3bhcXkeMwyzuHe88XzMzJYgE:  +2500000000000000.00 Fishbelleum FGBP
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.03.01 02:07 [1952218] issue 3PLkGNDkdvs3bhcXkeMwyzuHe88XzMzJYgE > SELF +2500000000000000.00 Fishbelleum FGBP

{ "type": 3, "id": "HfDPL9QH3xp1kXpvBWcxoaZpc7XQE1qDvhMzkPujnNVh", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1583017547513, "version": 2, "sender": "3PLkGNDkdvs3bhcXkeMwyzuHe88XzMzJYgE", "senderPublicKey": "7rJgAwUzUiqVKR1DEZHVf2rkZoG5adyaz7Jz35UyJ4Ja", "proofs": [ "24Jf4C2JaQUwPEjwmzw9VJeahwbohExvPtt8v5fC7L6wd2e5nneTi5sdvpEkz1UvhGBksiyajHkBJC5DhgLuRxcz" ], "assetId": "HfDPL9QH3xp1kXpvBWcxoaZpc7XQE1qDvhMzkPujnNVh", "name": "Fishbelleum FGBP", "quantity": 250000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 2, "description": "Fishbelleum Pound FGBP - (Formally Known as the KingsCoiN: Satoshi of Fishbelly - $FBY) is a Great Britain Pound pegged Stablecoin aims to Stabilize the Price of FishBelly in the Cryptocurrency Market.\n\nThe Power behide our Crypto Mining App intends to justify Human Knowledge by decrypting it into Digital Currency for Financial Empowerment and Sustainability to create poverty and hunger free World of Possibility of Purpose! $FBY $ETH $WAVES\n\nRiding on Waves and Ethereum Blockchain for transparency and effectiveness!\n\nJoin our Community and Become Early Bird Adopter Today and Be rewarded!\n\nLet's Build our Digital Future and Create a New World together!\n\nhttps://t.me/FishbelleumPound", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1952218, "spentComplexity": 0 }

23.38 ms