tx · HqvCJgFtu8mHEgmmkFufTmH3cJEsFJd1urPrReoYWkJT

3PLeV1YwkLGfT4q2f82Y11D9WJ3qaPuJCXz:  +1200000.0000 ₭₴Ɉ
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.10.23 01:19 [1762102] issue 3PLeV1YwkLGfT4q2f82Y11D9WJ3qaPuJCXz > SELF +1200000.0000 ₭₴Ɉ

{ "type": 3, "id": "HqvCJgFtu8mHEgmmkFufTmH3cJEsFJd1urPrReoYWkJT", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1571782393038, "version": 2, "sender": "3PLeV1YwkLGfT4q2f82Y11D9WJ3qaPuJCXz", "senderPublicKey": "AHni71YUU8GwRde9ushg8Ek79sdJssxJAPC4NJ6GwcKJ", "proofs": [ "4iKBzQBDYBkoTDC9jFT6DXfUMQzSHRVLYc8DAhAoYRqhXj9L6myMjdBgWGjx9f3mWz9Jm6maZRVB7CkNHZvteHS5" ], "assetId": "HqvCJgFtu8mHEgmmkFufTmH3cJEsFJd1urPrReoYWkJT", "name": "\u20ad\u20b4\u0248", "quantity": 12000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 4, "description": "www.ksjdex-market.io\nInvoice issued, Invoice received = New Assets! Free your cash flow and finance the growth of your business with new Assets. You can sell your Invoice issued, on our e-Commerce website. You can sell your Invoice "RECEIVED", on our e-Commerce website. You can buy invoices with a good profit!!! You can sell, and you can buy your Rights of Invoices, Goods, and Reservation. Each KSJ token has a value equal to 1 euro.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1762102, "spentComplexity": 0 }

108.56 ms