tx · HrqxYTvWkNcz39csxUnftZHGuPha4fRpS3U7KrrVWE6Z

3PJdQudyrdZxrn5tbCF6zGHRiHBo3BTJjEQ:  +1.00000000 RAGE
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.01.27 19:02 [854246] issue 3PJdQudyrdZxrn5tbCF6zGHRiHBo3BTJjEQ > SELF +1.00000000 RAGE spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "HrqxYTvWkNcz39csxUnftZHGuPha4fRpS3U7KrrVWE6Z", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1517068929818, "version": 1, "sender": "3PJdQudyrdZxrn5tbCF6zGHRiHBo3BTJjEQ", "senderPublicKey": "FCB3kDdJ3dPsBpbUC9CTWiDyTQ7Pd9zCBLymBNAfH4rT", "proofs": [ "2sNaNG1QRCDVLzRTFps1iYVDmdhpSn5yxsnuWW6M4grjePJtrT5SJSAEson92DLorRKbk3Yboe4gCpVVWHAMUVEM" ], "signature": "2sNaNG1QRCDVLzRTFps1iYVDmdhpSn5yxsnuWW6M4grjePJtrT5SJSAEson92DLorRKbk3Yboe4gCpVVWHAMUVEM", "assetId": "HrqxYTvWkNcz39csxUnftZHGuPha4fRpS3U7KrrVWE6Z", "name": "RAGE", "quantity": 100000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Support My Empire, \nwatch our Crypto-Invest-Group rise and grind, take care, don't believe the hype, stay clean, remember where you from, YOU ARE RICH no matter how much you have. \nIdeas are like Flower-Seeds, you can't predict the taste and look of their Fruits.\nTrust me, this coin will maintain or slowly increase its value for decades. \n\nRRTG in Bremen/Germany 27.01.2018", "height": 854246, "spentComplexity": 0 }

74.27 ms