tx · J5kauGmPHWjRLjoPgLfR7ZnvwekzU1BmoW5p9QL5oi7k

3PG3iKrREHEC8BhRymLngyZGvcfNb7T8sNs:  +1000.00 I-Hash Ω
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.12.23 12:11 [1318506] issue 3PG3iKrREHEC8BhRymLngyZGvcfNb7T8sNs > SELF +1000.00 I-Hash Ω

{ "type": 3, "id": "J5kauGmPHWjRLjoPgLfR7ZnvwekzU1BmoW5p9QL5oi7k", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1545556210618, "version": 2, "sender": "3PG3iKrREHEC8BhRymLngyZGvcfNb7T8sNs", "senderPublicKey": "4q1YkzkM4pYzHp4jBtugQowp6LREYGvhceFaBBAVt3bo", "proofs": [ "4MuP1epzDeZj94bZD1gi5FmPa4QTp5VoYPN2Uvzje7oNxUPcDQrGqeQXo2eUd8a63o1Hm8HQ8tcW7u7XRiJHZewy" ], "assetId": "J5kauGmPHWjRLjoPgLfR7ZnvwekzU1BmoW5p9QL5oi7k", "name": "I-Hash Ω", "quantity": 100000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 2, "description": "I-Hash is a unique POW mining (SHA-256) based token created under Tradecoin Asset:EekwfLSAkbREneBHrXdZSRAEPvmijq71Nf2GDNqBStz4. \nThe Ω (Omega) denotes resistance (proof of Burning Electricity) against work done by a machine to make token value worthful. \nEach I-Hash block can be claimed only via proof of hash (SHA-256) submitted by a miner with certain conditions in a specified time period. \nEach I-Hash block is a proof of an average ~4.29GH mining (Because of minimum difficulty set to 16^8 = 4294967296 hashes). \nI-Hash blocks can be mined on CPU, even offline but to submit block miner need an Internet connectivity. \nThere will a fix supply of 1 million I-Hash Tokens. Which will be distributed in four different rounds, each round of 250k I-Hashes). \nFor more information read our whitepaper available on waves forum.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1318506, "spentComplexity": 0 }

45.05 ms