tx · weRWRT2iB4kqEAQWAC6UGAKURrPf9rkwExFMazAEwMt

3PHkFxNijSJJwwwHdSpGRHwkJ2QXQDG1gJv:  -0.00900000 Waves

2019.08.07 04:16 [1649650] invoke 3PHkFxNijSJJwwwHdSpGRHwkJ2QXQDG1gJv > 3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R projupdate()

3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R: datajson_4283738b-e092-4dff-a639-871c4b2c3b25: "{"name":"RELAY","description":"\nSingle Platform hosting 3 different tools. Supply Chain Management/Logistics, Direct-To-Consumer 3D printing, and Encrypted messaging and file transfer.","logoUrl":"https://advancedtds.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/newblu-wht.png","expireCrowd":"2019-09-30 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31","targetWaves":5000,"tags":["#supplychain","#blockchain","#manufacturing","#3Dprinting","#logistics"],"contents":{"problem":"Supply Chain management is all over the place. Information can be clunky and falsified. 3D Printing technology is not easily accessible to the general consumer. Sensitive documents and files need a secure network to be sent across. ","solution":"RELAY is the solution. Easy to use, highly intuitive application that features tools to accomplish all of this. So effective that it can be used at consumer, commercial, or industrial levels.","xFactor":"All in One app with each tool that complements each other. 3D printing is an existing technology that is still fighting to break into the consumer market. By putting these tools in the consumer's hands, mainstream adoption can easily take place.","whySmartContracts":"Immutability, Security, and Transparency. These are a few of the main reasons to utilize blockchain in this project. All 3 use-cases rely heavily on these characteristics.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"1) Direct-To-Consumer Application\n2) Real time Supply Chain Management\n3) End-to-End Encrypted messaging & File Transfer","marketStrategy":"Market 3D & Encrypted messaging tools to the general consumers. Supply chain will need real application at an industrial level. Through engineering forums and professional contacts, I will demonstrate all the features to manufacturers.","impactOnCommunity":"Blockchain may have a serious impact on the efficiency and connectivity of the modern manufacturing industry.","currentStage":"\n1-  Product Concept and market analysis - DONE\n2- Design & User interface - In progress\n3- Backend code and working application - Needs started\n4 - Marketing Material and Campaign - In Progress"},"socials":{"url_website":" https://advancedtds.com/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/AdvancedTDS"},"uid":"4283738b-e092-4dff-a639-871c4b2c3b25","expireVoting":"2019-08-07 03:14:31","expireWhale":"2019-10-05 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-07 01:14:31"}" -> "{"name":"RELAY","description":"\nSingle Platform hosting 3 different tools. Supply Chain Management/Logistics, Direct-To-Consumer 3D printing, and Encrypted messaging and file transfer.","logoUrl":"https://advancedtds.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/newblu-wht.png","expireCrowd":"2019-09-30 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31","targetWaves":5000,"tags":["#supplychain","#blockchain","#manufacturing","#3Dprinting","#logistics"],"contents":{"problem":"Supply Chain management is all over the place. Information can be clunky and falsified. 3D Printing technology is not easily accessible to the general consumer. Sensitive documents and files need a secure network to be sent across. ","solution":"RELAY is the solution. Easy to use, highly intuitive application that features tools to accomplish all of this. So effective that it can be used at consumer, commercial, or industrial levels.","xFactor":"All in One app with each tool that complements each other. 3D printing is an existing technology that is still fighting to break into the consumer market. By putting these tools in the consumer's hands, mainstream adoption can easily take place.","whySmartContracts":"Immutability, Security, and Transparency. These are a few of the main reasons to utilize blockchain in this project. All 3 use-cases rely heavily on these characteristics.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"1) Direct-To-Consumer Application\n2) Real time Supply Chain Management\n3) End-to-End Encrypted messaging & File Transfer","marketStrategy":"Market 3D & Encrypted messaging tools to the general consumers. Supply chain will need real application at an industrial level. Through engineering forums and professional contacts, I will demonstrate all the features to manufacturers.","impactOnCommunity":"Blockchain may have a serious impact on the efficiency and connectivity of the modern manufacturing industry.","currentStage":"\n1-  Product Concept and market analysis - DONE\n2- Design & User interface - In progress\n3- Backend code and working application - Needs started\n4 - Marketing Material and Campaign - In Progress"},"socials":{"url_website":" https://advancedtds.com/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/AdvancedTDS"},"uid":"4283738b-e092-4dff-a639-871c4b2c3b25","expireVoting":"2019-08-07 03:16:59","expireWhale":"2019-10-05 00:00:00"}"

{ "type": 16, "id": "weRWRT2iB4kqEAQWAC6UGAKURrPf9rkwExFMazAEwMt", "fee": 900000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1565140619418, "version": 1, "sender": "3PHkFxNijSJJwwwHdSpGRHwkJ2QXQDG1gJv", "senderPublicKey": "HV4Ze8h2AjjWR1gB99rELN3Ybynipg7vun9ioduXHwtN", "proofs": [ "2aDuRuXSpUtVgCdfFNeBJxGhY6YxaPyshLzZnDJZaaP7LUiAiHjTAwXz3yFqnf82CGiPDyudRAi6gUSpVLeBPmwk" ], "dApp": "3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R", "payment": [], "call": { "function": "projupdate", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "4283738b-e092-4dff-a639-871c4b2c3b25" }, { "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"RELAY","description":"\\nSingle Platform hosting 3 different tools. Supply Chain Management/Logistics, Direct-To-Consumer 3D printing, and Encrypted messaging and file transfer.","logoUrl":"https://advancedtds.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/newblu-wht.png","expireCrowd":"2019-09-30 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31","targetWaves":5000,"tags":["#supplychain","#blockchain","#manufacturing","#3Dprinting","#logistics"],"contents":{"problem":"Supply Chain management is all over the place. Information can be clunky and falsified. 3D Printing technology is not easily accessible to the general consumer. Sensitive documents and files need a secure network to be sent across. ","solution":"RELAY is the solution. Easy to use, highly intuitive application that features tools to accomplish all of this. So effective that it can be used at consumer, commercial, or industrial levels.","xFactor":"All in One app with each tool that complements each other. 3D printing is an existing technology that is still fighting to break into the consumer market. By putting these tools in the consumer's hands, mainstream adoption can easily take place.","whySmartContracts":"Immutability, Security, and Transparency. These are a few of the main reasons to utilize blockchain in this project. All 3 use-cases rely heavily on these characteristics.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"1) Direct-To-Consumer Application\\n2) Real time Supply Chain Management\\n3) End-to-End Encrypted messaging & File Transfer","marketStrategy":"Market 3D & Encrypted messaging tools to the general consumers. Supply chain will need real application at an industrial level. Through engineering forums and professional contacts, I will demonstrate all the features to manufacturers.","impactOnCommunity":"Blockchain may have a serious impact on the efficiency and connectivity of the modern manufacturing industry.","currentStage":"\\n1- Product Concept and market analysis - DONE\\n2- Design & User interface - In progress\\n3- Backend code and working application - Needs started\\n4 - Marketing Material and Campaign - In Progress"},"socials":{"url_website":" https://advancedtds.com/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/AdvancedTDS"},"uid":"4283738b-e092-4dff-a639-871c4b2c3b25","expireVoting":"2019-08-07 03:16:59","expireWhale":"2019-10-05 00:00:00"}" } ] }, "height": 1649650, "spentComplexity": 157, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "datajson_4283738b-e092-4dff-a639-871c4b2c3b25", "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"RELAY","description":"\\nSingle Platform hosting 3 different tools. Supply Chain Management/Logistics, Direct-To-Consumer 3D printing, and Encrypted messaging and file transfer.","logoUrl":"https://advancedtds.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/newblu-wht.png","expireCrowd":"2019-09-30 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31","targetWaves":5000,"tags":["#supplychain","#blockchain","#manufacturing","#3Dprinting","#logistics"],"contents":{"problem":"Supply Chain management is all over the place. Information can be clunky and falsified. 3D Printing technology is not easily accessible to the general consumer. Sensitive documents and files need a secure network to be sent across. ","solution":"RELAY is the solution. Easy to use, highly intuitive application that features tools to accomplish all of this. So effective that it can be used at consumer, commercial, or industrial levels.","xFactor":"All in One app with each tool that complements each other. 3D printing is an existing technology that is still fighting to break into the consumer market. By putting these tools in the consumer's hands, mainstream adoption can easily take place.","whySmartContracts":"Immutability, Security, and Transparency. These are a few of the main reasons to utilize blockchain in this project. All 3 use-cases rely heavily on these characteristics.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"1) Direct-To-Consumer Application\\n2) Real time Supply Chain Management\\n3) End-to-End Encrypted messaging & File Transfer","marketStrategy":"Market 3D & Encrypted messaging tools to the general consumers. Supply chain will need real application at an industrial level. Through engineering forums and professional contacts, I will demonstrate all the features to manufacturers.","impactOnCommunity":"Blockchain may have a serious impact on the efficiency and connectivity of the modern manufacturing industry.","currentStage":"\\n1- Product Concept and market analysis - DONE\\n2- Design & User interface - In progress\\n3- Backend code and working application - Needs started\\n4 - Marketing Material and Campaign - In Progress"},"socials":{"url_website":" https://advancedtds.com/","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/AdvancedTDS"},"uid":"4283738b-e092-4dff-a639-871c4b2c3b25","expireVoting":"2019-08-07 03:16:59","expireWhale":"2019-10-05 00:00:00"}" } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

60.29 ms