tx · GLjsChxCTUeXVtpEqxywx5vnuR7A88QLD42u36c92Btu

3PA7T87bZq2ToW1Px8gwVkcLkGHrYWn1Ffw:  -0.00900000 Waves

2019.09.04 14:49 [1691235] invoke 3PA7T87bZq2ToW1Px8gwVkcLkGHrYWn1Ffw > 3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R projupdate()

3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R: datajson_affe1efc-da2e-4734-9899-878b28be4d60: "{"name":"RiskRide","description":"A distributed risk management tool that allows to gather a realistic perspective of projects, efforts, ...","logoUrl":"https://www.wavesbi.com/favicon.ico","expireCrowd":"2019-09-16 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31","targetWaves":7000,"tags":["Ride4dApps","Smart Contract","dApp","risk management"],"contents":{"problem":"Risk Management is one of the main tasks during project management or the controlling of other efforts. The main problem here is to get a realistic perspective of the current status.","solution":"The proposed solution will allow to gather the perspectives of different stakeholders and accumulate those different perspectives on current risks into a realistic analysis about the risks in order to identify the most important risks to work with.","xFactor":"The nice part about this solution is the distribution process around risk management. Together with blockchain technology and Smart Contracts, the solution allows to store the corresponding data in way it could not be altered.","whySmartContracts":"Here, i do see two major reasons: on the one hand DLT allows to store the corresponding data of the business process in a way it could not be altered afterwards. Additionally, the infrastructure becomes very easy and a web based dApp allows to easily participate in the process.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"The dApp will be implemented completely and deployed to the Waves Platform. This includes development of a Smart Contract that is deployed for every new management project that will be created on the platform. The platform itself will be implemented as a responsive dApp (including Waves Keeper), meaning it could be used either from a usual browser, but also time and space independent from mobiles (as soon as Mobile Waves Keeper is available). It will be a complete solution, directly usable.","marketStrategy":"Basic marketing will be done via Twitter, Medium, Facebook and other social media channels. The dApp could be listed on dApp markets in order to be easily reachable. This process is also interesting for Waves new business strategy.","impactOnCommunity":"Each community member can use the dApp for his / her own projects and efforts in order to achieve better results. Furthermore, usage of the dApp will automatically create more transactions on the network.","currentStage":"A rough prototype of the dApp exists"},"socials":{"url_website":"https://www.wavesbi.com/RiskRide_pres_20190824.pdf","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/jansen_marc"},"uid":"affe1efc-da2e-4734-9899-878b28be4d60","expireVoting":"2019-08-26 11:04:15","expireWhale":"2019-09-21 00:00:00","createTime":"2019-08-15 18:39:47"}" -> "{"name":"RiskRide","description":"A distributed risk management tool that allows to gather a realistic perspective of projects, efforts, ...","logoUrl":"https://www.wavesbi.com/favicon.ico","expireCrowd":"2019-09-16 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31 00:00:00","targetWaves":7000,"tags":["Ride4dApps","Smart Contract","dApp","risk management"],"contents":{"problem":"Risk Management is one of the main tasks during project management or the controlling of other efforts. The main problem here is to get a realistic perspective of the current status.","solution":"The proposed solution will allow to gather the perspectives of different stakeholders and accumulate those different perspectives on current risks into a realistic analysis about the risks in order to identify the most important risks to work with.","xFactor":"The nice part about this solution is the distribution process around risk management. Together with blockchain technology and Smart Contracts, the solution allows to store the corresponding data in way it could not be altered.","whySmartContracts":"Here, i do see two major reasons: on the one hand DLT allows to store the corresponding data of the business process in a way it could not be altered afterwards. Additionally, the infrastructure becomes very easy and a web based dApp allows to easily participate in the process.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"The dApp will be implemented completely and deployed to the Waves Platform. This includes development of a Smart Contract that is deployed for every new management project that will be created on the platform. The platform itself will be implemented as a responsive dApp (including Waves Keeper), meaning it could be used either from a usual browser, but also time and space independent from mobiles (as soon as Mobile Waves Keeper is available). It will be a complete solution, directly usable.","marketStrategy":"Basic marketing will be done via Twitter, Medium, Facebook and other social media channels. The dApp could be listed on dApp markets in order to be easily reachable. This process is also interesting for Waves new business strategy.","impactOnCommunity":"Each community member can use the dApp for his / her own projects and efforts in order to achieve better results. Furthermore, usage of the dApp will automatically create more transactions on the network.","currentStage":"A rough prototype of the dApp exists"},"socials":{"url_website":"https://www.wavesbi.com/RiskRide_pres_20190824.pdf","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/jansen_marc"},"uid":"affe1efc-da2e-4734-9899-878b28be4d60","contest":"","coverSmallUrl":"","coverUrl":"","previews":["https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/a17845a0-cf09-11e9-9217-71b92a43a9f1.png","https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/07d59050-cf0a-11e9-9217-71b92a43a9f1.png"],"expireVoting":"2019-09-04 13:49:31","expireWhale":"2019-09-21 00:00:00"}"

{ "type": 16, "id": "GLjsChxCTUeXVtpEqxywx5vnuR7A88QLD42u36c92Btu", "fee": 900000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1567597771505, "version": 1, "sender": "3PA7T87bZq2ToW1Px8gwVkcLkGHrYWn1Ffw", "senderPublicKey": "83jv9VDjhMJYE3jYvh5zbMMZLsxU9VTw1YPYq8qrsaz3", "proofs": [ "5zwAovHe9bbYtNkXdZMnh8eRrCWynxQP71wRdesqa9Nu6FrpCqLva255qaJLchaAe75jV2xu7Q9YCe5vXgsbHoZo" ], "dApp": "3P8Fvy1yDwNHvVrabe4ek5b9dAwxFjDKV7R", "payment": [], "call": { "function": "projupdate", "args": [ { "type": "string", "value": "affe1efc-da2e-4734-9899-878b28be4d60" }, { "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"RiskRide","description":"A distributed risk management tool that allows to gather a realistic perspective of projects, efforts, ...","logoUrl":"https://www.wavesbi.com/favicon.ico","expireCrowd":"2019-09-16 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31 00:00:00","targetWaves":7000,"tags":["Ride4dApps","Smart Contract","dApp","risk management"],"contents":{"problem":"Risk Management is one of the main tasks during project management or the controlling of other efforts. The main problem here is to get a realistic perspective of the current status.","solution":"The proposed solution will allow to gather the perspectives of different stakeholders and accumulate those different perspectives on current risks into a realistic analysis about the risks in order to identify the most important risks to work with.","xFactor":"The nice part about this solution is the distribution process around risk management. Together with blockchain technology and Smart Contracts, the solution allows to store the corresponding data in way it could not be altered.","whySmartContracts":"Here, i do see two major reasons: on the one hand DLT allows to store the corresponding data of the business process in a way it could not be altered afterwards. Additionally, the infrastructure becomes very easy and a web based dApp allows to easily participate in the process.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"The dApp will be implemented completely and deployed to the Waves Platform. This includes development of a Smart Contract that is deployed for every new management project that will be created on the platform. The platform itself will be implemented as a responsive dApp (including Waves Keeper), meaning it could be used either from a usual browser, but also time and space independent from mobiles (as soon as Mobile Waves Keeper is available). It will be a complete solution, directly usable.","marketStrategy":"Basic marketing will be done via Twitter, Medium, Facebook and other social media channels. The dApp could be listed on dApp markets in order to be easily reachable. This process is also interesting for Waves new business strategy.","impactOnCommunity":"Each community member can use the dApp for his / her own projects and efforts in order to achieve better results. Furthermore, usage of the dApp will automatically create more transactions on the network.","currentStage":"A rough prototype of the dApp exists"},"socials":{"url_website":"https://www.wavesbi.com/RiskRide_pres_20190824.pdf","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/jansen_marc"},"uid":"affe1efc-da2e-4734-9899-878b28be4d60","contest":"","coverSmallUrl":"","coverUrl":"","previews":["https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/a17845a0-cf09-11e9-9217-71b92a43a9f1.png","https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/07d59050-cf0a-11e9-9217-71b92a43a9f1.png"],"expireVoting":"2019-09-04 13:49:31","expireWhale":"2019-09-21 00:00:00"}" } ] }, "height": 1691235, "spentComplexity": 157, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "datajson_affe1efc-da2e-4734-9899-878b28be4d60", "type": "string", "value": "{"name":"RiskRide","description":"A distributed risk management tool that allows to gather a realistic perspective of projects, efforts, ...","logoUrl":"https://www.wavesbi.com/favicon.ico","expireCrowd":"2019-09-16 00:00:00","demoDay":"2019-10-31 00:00:00","targetWaves":7000,"tags":["Ride4dApps","Smart Contract","dApp","risk management"],"contents":{"problem":"Risk Management is one of the main tasks during project management or the controlling of other efforts. The main problem here is to get a realistic perspective of the current status.","solution":"The proposed solution will allow to gather the perspectives of different stakeholders and accumulate those different perspectives on current risks into a realistic analysis about the risks in order to identify the most important risks to work with.","xFactor":"The nice part about this solution is the distribution process around risk management. Together with blockchain technology and Smart Contracts, the solution allows to store the corresponding data in way it could not be altered.","whySmartContracts":"Here, i do see two major reasons: on the one hand DLT allows to store the corresponding data of the business process in a way it could not be altered afterwards. Additionally, the infrastructure becomes very easy and a web based dApp allows to easily participate in the process.","newFeaturesOrMvp":"The dApp will be implemented completely and deployed to the Waves Platform. This includes development of a Smart Contract that is deployed for every new management project that will be created on the platform. The platform itself will be implemented as a responsive dApp (including Waves Keeper), meaning it could be used either from a usual browser, but also time and space independent from mobiles (as soon as Mobile Waves Keeper is available). It will be a complete solution, directly usable.","marketStrategy":"Basic marketing will be done via Twitter, Medium, Facebook and other social media channels. The dApp could be listed on dApp markets in order to be easily reachable. This process is also interesting for Waves new business strategy.","impactOnCommunity":"Each community member can use the dApp for his / her own projects and efforts in order to achieve better results. Furthermore, usage of the dApp will automatically create more transactions on the network.","currentStage":"A rough prototype of the dApp exists"},"socials":{"url_website":"https://www.wavesbi.com/RiskRide_pres_20190824.pdf","url_twitter":"https://twitter.com/jansen_marc"},"uid":"affe1efc-da2e-4734-9899-878b28be4d60","contest":"","coverSmallUrl":"","coverUrl":"","previews":["https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/a17845a0-cf09-11e9-9217-71b92a43a9f1.png","https://alpha-ventuary-dao.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/07d59050-cf0a-11e9-9217-71b92a43a9f1.png"],"expireVoting":"2019-09-04 13:49:31","expireWhale":"2019-09-21 00:00:00"}" } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }

45.55 ms